Смотреть что такое "peg-leg" в других словарях:
peg leg — peg legs N COUNT A peg leg is an artificial leg made out of wood. [INFORMAL, OLD FASHIONED] Syn: wooden leg … English dictionary
peg leg — peg′ leg n. 1) srg an artificial leg, esp. a wooden one 2) a person with an artificial leg • Etymology: 1760–70 peg′legged , adj … From formal English to slang
peg leg — peg ,leg noun count INFORMAL OLD FASHIONED an artificial leg made from wood a. OFFENSIVE an offensive word for someone with an artificial leg … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
peg leg — n. Informal 1. a wooden leg 2. a person with a wooden leg … English World dictionary
peg leg — n informal an artificial leg, especially a wooden one … Dictionary of contemporary English
peg leg — ► NOUN informal ▪ a wooden leg … English terms dictionary
peg leg — I. noun Etymology: peg (I) + leg 1. : an artificial leg; especially : one fitted to the bent knee 2. : a person wearing such a leg tale … concerns a choleric British ex soldier and peg leg Anthony West … Useful english dictionary
peg leg — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms peg leg : singular peg leg plural peg legs informal old fashioned an artificial leg made from wood … English dictionary
peg-leg — n. <a rude nickname for someone with a wooden peg for a leg.> (Now used primarily in reference to theatrical pirates.) □ See that peg leg over there? He lost his foot to a shark. □ Hey, peg leg. Race you to the bar! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
peg leg — /ˈpɛg lɛg/ (say peg leg) noun 1. an artificial leg, usually one of wood. 2. Also, peg leg disease. Chiefly NT a disease in cattle caused by phosphorus deficiency …
peg-leg — 1. noun A wooden leg, usually tapered, strapped onto the stump of an amputated leg. 2. verb To limp or hobble (as if having a wooden leg) 3. adjective Descriptive of one with such a leg. E.g. Peg leg Pete … Wiktionary