peg exchange rate

peg exchange rate
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "peg exchange rate" в других словарях:

  • Exchange rate — Foreign exchange Exchange rates Currency band Exchange rate Exchange rate regime Exchange rate flexibility Dollarization Fixed exchange rate Floating exchange rate Linked exchange rate Managed float regime Markets Foreign exchange market Futures… …   Wikipedia

  • Exchange rate regime — The exchange rate regime is the way a country manages its currency in respect to foreign currencies and the foreign exchange market. It is closely related to monetary policy and the two are generally dependent on many of the same factors.The… …   Wikipedia

  • Fixed exchange rate — A fixed exchange rate, sometimes called a pegged exchange rate, is a type of exchange rate regime wherein a currency s value is matched to the value of another single currency or to a basket of other currencies, or to another measure of value,… …   Wikipedia

  • Linked exchange rate — A linked exchange rate system is a type of exchange rate regime to link the exchange rate of a currency to another. It is the exchange rate system implemented in Hong Kong to stabilise the exchange rate between the Hong Kong dollar (HKD) and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Fixed exchange-rate system — Foreign exchange Exchange rates Currency band Exchange rate Exchange rate regime Exchange rate flexibil …   Wikipedia

  • Free Floating Exchange Rate —    A currency exchange rate that is allowed to be set completely by market forces, in contrast with a managed exchange rate using devices such as a dirty float or a crawling peg.    ► See also Dirty Float, Crawling Peg …   Financial and business terms

  • peg — /peg/ verb to maintain or fix something at a specific level ♦ to peg a currency to fix an exchange rate for a currency which previously was floating ♦ to peg prices to fix prices to stop them rising ♦ to peg wage increases to the cost of living… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • peg — pegless, adj. peglike, adj. /peg/, n., v., pegged, pegging, adj. n. 1. a pin of wood or other material driven or fitted into something, as to fasten parts together, to hang things on, to make fast a rope or string on, to stop a hole, or to mark… …   Universalium

  • peg — [[t]pɛg[/t]] n. v. pegged, peg•ging, adj. 1) bui a cylindrical or tapered pin of wood, metal, etc., driven or fitted into something as a fastening, support or stopper 2) a notch or degree: to come down a peg[/ex] 3) an occasion, basis, or reason …   From formal English to slang

  • Crawling peg — An automatic system for revising the exchange rate. It involves establishing a par value around which the rate can vary up to a given percent. The par value is revised regularly according to a formula determined by the authorities. The New York… …   Financial and business terms

  • crawling peg — An automatic system for revising the exchange rate. It involves establishing a par value around which the rate can vary up to a given percent. The par value is revised regularly according to a formula determined by the authorities. Bloomberg… …   Financial and business terms

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