- pedding
- торговля вразнос;
мелочная торговля занятие мелочами торгующий вразнос мелочный несущественный, ненужный, мелкий - * details ненужные детали - * dilettantism мелкое дилетантство
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
pedding — n. (Photography) act of moving a camera up and down on a camera pedestal ped v. (Photography) move a camera up and down on a camera pedestal … English contemporary dictionary
Buildings of Iowa State University — This is a list of notable buildings and landmarks at Iowa State University, as well as persons associated with such structures.AAdministrative Services BuildingAgriculture Hall See Catt Hall or Curtiss Hall Agronomy HallDepartments in Agronomy… … Wikipedia
Выправочно-подбивочно-отделочная машина — (a. straighting lining machine, smoothing pedding machine; н. Stopf und Richtmaschine; ф. machine а rectification et а bourrage de la voie; и. maquina de enderezar) машина для уплотнения балласта (подбивки), выправки (рихтовки) и отделки… … Геологическая энциклопедия
boom arm — TV A bar extending horizontally from the top of a boom or tripod on which a camera can be mounted. Enables simultaneous horizontal, pivoting and vertical movement of thecamera Boom arm moves can combine panning, tilting and booming (pedding) in… … Audio and video glossary
booming — TV Camera move above or below subject with aid of a balanced boom arm, creating sense of floating into or out of a scene. Can combine effects of panning, tilting, and pedding in one fluid movement … Audio and video glossary