
с управлением от педали

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pedal-operated" в других словарях:

  • pedal wireless — /ˈpɛdl waɪələs/ (say pedl wuyuhluhs) noun a transceiver or two way radio powered by a small pedal operated generator, formerly used in remote areas. Also, pedal radio. {from the operating mechanism of the invention of Adelaide engineer, Alfred… …  

  • pedal boat — a recreational water vehicle, consisting of two pontoons with a transverse seat and propelled by a pedal operated paddle wheel. Also, pedalboat, paddle boat. [1950 55] * * * …   Universalium

  • pedal — ► NOUN 1) each of a pair of foot operated levers for powering a bicycle or other vehicle. 2) a foot operated throttle, brake, or clutch control. 3) a foot operated lever on a piano, organ, etc. for sustaining or softening the tone. 4) Music a… …   English terms dictionary

  • pedal — [ped′ l; ] for adj.1, also [ pēd′ l] adj. [L pedalis < pes (gen. pedis), FOOT] 1. of or having to do with the foot or feet 2. of or operated by a pedal or pedals n. [MFr pédale < It pedale < L pedalis: see PEDAL the adj.] …   English World dictionary

  • Pedal steel guitar — The pedal steel guitar is a type of electric guitar that uses a metal slide to stop the strings, rather than fingers on strings as with a conventional guitar. The pedal steel is placed horizontally on a stand, with the strings facing up towards… …   Wikipedia

  • pedal — pedal1 [ pɛd(ə)l] noun 1》 each of a pair of foot operated levers for powering a bicycle or other vehicle propelled by leg power. 2》 a foot operated throttle, brake, or clutch control in a motor vehicle. 3》 each of a set of two or three foot… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Pedal keyboard — The 30 note pedalboard of a Rieger organ. A pedalboard (also called a pedal keyboard, pedal clavier, or, with electronic instruments, a bass pedalboard[1]) is a keyboard played with the feet that is usually used to produce the low pitched bass… …   Wikipedia

  • pedal — A lever operated by the foot. See accelerator accelerator pedal brake pedal clipless pedal clutch pedal dead pedal depress the gas pedal depress the throttle pedal ease up on the throttle pedal …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • pedal — 1. n. & v. n. 1 any of several types of foot operated levers or controls for mechanisms, esp.: a either of a pair of levers for transmitting power to a bicycle or tricycle wheel etc. b any of the foot operated controls in a motor vehicle. c any… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pedal — /ped l/ or, for 6 8, /peed l/, n., v., pedaled, pedaling or (esp. Brit.) pedalled, pedalling, adj. n. 1. a foot operated lever used to control certain mechanisms, as automobiles, or to play or modify the sounds of certain musical instruments, as… …   Universalium

  • pedal harp — ▪ musical instrument       musical instrument in which pedals control a mechanism raising the pitch of given strings by a semitone (single action) or by both a semitone and a whole tone (double action). The modern double action pedal harp, the… …   Universalium

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