pedal lever

pedal lever
педаль, ножной рычаг;
рычаг педали

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pedal lever" в других словарях:

  • pedal — ► NOUN 1) each of a pair of foot operated levers for powering a bicycle or other vehicle. 2) a foot operated throttle, brake, or clutch control. 3) a foot operated lever on a piano, organ, etc. for sustaining or softening the tone. 4) Music a… …   English terms dictionary

  • pedal — [ped′ l; ] for adj.1, also [ pēd′ l] adj. [L pedalis < pes (gen. pedis), FOOT] 1. of or having to do with the foot or feet 2. of or operated by a pedal or pedals n. [MFr pédale < It pedale < L pedalis: see PEDAL the adj.] …   English World dictionary

  • Pedal — Pe dal, n. [Cf. F. p[ e]dale, It. pedale. See {Pedal}, a.] 1. (Mech.) A lever or key acted on by the foot, as in the pianoforte to raise the dampers, or in the organ to open and close certain pipes; a treadle, as in a lathe or a bicycle. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pedal — 1610s, lever (on an organ) worked by foot, from Fr. pédale, from It. pedale treadle, pedal, from L.L. pedale (thing) of the foot, neut. of L. pedalis of the foot, from pes (gen. pedis) foot (see FOOT (Cf. foot)). Extended to various mechanical… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Pedal keyboard — The 30 note pedalboard of a Rieger organ. A pedalboard (also called a pedal keyboard, pedal clavier, or, with electronic instruments, a bass pedalboard[1]) is a keyboard played with the feet that is usually used to produce the low pitched bass… …   Wikipedia

  • Pedal harp — Harp Classification String instrument (plucked) Playing range …   Wikipedia

  • pedal — pedal1 [ pɛd(ə)l] noun 1》 each of a pair of foot operated levers for powering a bicycle or other vehicle propelled by leg power. 2》 a foot operated throttle, brake, or clutch control in a motor vehicle. 3》 each of a set of two or three foot… …   English new terms dictionary

  • pedal — I. /ˈpɛdl / (say pedl) noun 1. a lever worked by the foot, in various musical instruments, as the organ, piano, and harp, and having various functions. 2. a keyboard attached to the organ, harpsichord, etc., operated by the feet. 3. → pedal point …  

  • pedal — A lever operated by the foot. See accelerator accelerator pedal brake pedal clipless pedal clutch pedal dead pedal depress the gas pedal depress the throttle pedal ease up on the throttle pedal …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Pedal — Distinguish from paddle and petal and the verb peddle.The word pedal comes from the Latin (, Pedis) and relates to the foot.A pedal is a lever activated by one s foot. Examples include:* Automobile pedal * Bicycle pedal * Pedalo, a small boat,… …   Wikipedia

  • pedal — I. noun Etymology: Middle French pedale, from Italian, from Latin pedalis, adjective Date: 1618 1. a lever pressed by the foot in the playing of a musical instrument (as an organ or piano) 2. a foot lever or treadle by which a part is activated… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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