Смотреть что такое "peat-moss" в других словарях:
Peat moss — Peat Peat, n. [Prob. for beat, prop., material used to make the fire burn better, fr. AS. b?tan to better, mend (a fire), b?t advantage. See {Better}, {Boot} advantage.] A substance of vegetable origin, consisting of roots and fibers, moss, etc … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
peat moss — peat′ moss n. 1) pln any moss, esp. of the genus Sphagnum, from which peat may form 2) such moss when dried, used chiefly as a mulch or seedbed • Etymology: 1870–80; cf. ME petemos (in place name) peat bog … From formal English to slang
peat moss — n. 1. any moss which forms peat, esp. sphagnum 2. any peat composed of residues of mosses, used chiefly as mulch 3. [Brit. Dial.] a peat bog … English World dictionary
peat moss — noun any of various pale or ashy mosses of the genus Sphagnum whose decomposed remains form peat • Syn: ↑sphagnum, ↑sphagnum moss, ↑bog moss • Hypernyms: ↑moss • Member Holonyms: ↑genus Sphagnum * * * … Useful english dictionary
peat moss — 1. Also called bog moss. any moss, esp. of the genus Sphagnum, from which peat may form. 2. such moss after it has been dried, used chiefly as a mulch or seedbed, for acidification. [1225 75 for earlier sense; 1870 80 for def. 1; ME petemos (in… … Universalium
peat moss — kiminas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Kimininių šeimos (Sphagnaceae) lapuotųjų samanų gentis (Sphagnum). Skiriama peat moss 320 rūšių. Paplitę vidutinio ir šaltojo klimato srityse. Auga tundroje, pelkėse, pelkėtuose… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
peat moss bog — samaninė pelkė statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Pelkė, kurioje vyrauja samanos, retai auga nuskurdusios žemaūgės pušys, beržai. atitikmenys: angl. peat moss bog; sphagnum bog vok. Sphagnummoor, n; Torfmoosmoor, n; Weiβmoor, n … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
peat moss — /ˈpit mɒs/ (say peet mos) noun 1. any moss from which peat has formed or may form, as sphagnum, and used as a basis for potting mixtures. 2. → peat bog …
peat moss — noun 1》 a large absorbent moss which grows in dense masses on boggy ground. [Genus Sphagnum.] 2》 a peat bog … English new terms dictionary
peat moss — The form in which peat is sold and used as a ground cover … Ballentine's law dictionary
peat moss — Partially decomposed sphagnum moss, often added to soil to increase moisture retention; medium of choice for the ‘baggie method’ of cycad seed germination … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms