pearling mill

pearling mill

1. голлендр, крупошлифовальная машина
2. завод по производству перловой крупы крупорушка;
машина для производства круп

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pearling mill" в других словарях:

  • Timeline of Aboriginal history of Western Australia — This is a Timeline of Aboriginal history of Western Australia 1629 1829Aboriginal life in the two centuries from 1629 to 1829, was characterized by the increased presence of Europeans around the Western Australian coastline. First contact,… …   Wikipedia

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  • Blackbirding — refers to the recruitment of people through trickery and kidnappings to work on plantations, particularly the sugar cane plantations of Queensland (Australia) and Fiji.cite web |url=… …   Wikipedia

  • Bahrain — /bah rayn , ruyn , beuh /, n. 1. a sheikdom in the Persian Gulf, consisting of a group of islands: formerly a British protectorate; declared independent 1971. 603,318; 232 sq. mi. (601 sq. km). Cap.: Manama. 2. the largest island in this group:… …   Universalium

  • Western Australia — Western Australian. a state in W Australia. 1,273,624; 975,920 sq. mi. (2,527,635 sq. km). Cap.: Perth. * * * State (pop., 2001: 1,906,114), western Australia. Covering 976,790 sq mi (2,529,880 sq km), it constitutes one third of the continent s… …   Universalium

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