Смотреть что такое "pear-shaped" в других словарях:
Pear-shaped — is a metaphorical term with several meanings, all in reference to the shape of a pear, i.e. tapering towards the top and rounded at the bottom.The oldest usage from the Oxford English Dictionary ( OED ) is the most literal, a 1731 reference in a… … Wikipedia
pear-shaped — adj 1.) go pear shaped BrE informal if an activity or situation goes pear shaped, it goes wrong ▪ The whole thing went pear shaped. 2.) someone who is pear shaped has wide ↑hips and a fairly small chest … Dictionary of contemporary English
pear-shaped — pear ,shaped adjective 1. ) curved in shape and smaller at the top 2. ) INFORMAL a pear shaped person is larger below the waist than above the waist go pear shaped BRITISH INFORMAL to become unsuccessful … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Pear-shaped — a. Of the form of a pear. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pear-shaped — [per′shāpt΄] adj. 1. shaped like a pear 2. full, clear, even, and resonant: said of sung tones … English World dictionary
pear-shaped — pear′ shaped adj. 1) having the shape of a pear; tapering near the top and bulging toward the base or bottom 2) mad (of a vocal tone) clear, resonant, and without harshness; full bodied • Etymology: 1750–60 … From formal English to slang
pear-shaped — 1) ADJ Something that is pear shaped has a shape like a pear. ...her pear shaped diamond earrings. 2) ADJ If someone, especially a woman, is pear shaped, they are wider around their hips than around the top half of their body. 3) PHRASE: V… … English dictionary
Pear shaped — If something has gone pear shaped it means it has become a disaster. It might be preparing a dinner party or arranging a meeting, any of these things can go completely pear shaped … The American's guide to speaking British
pear-shaped — adj British awry, faulty, inadequate. This increas ingly common adult colloquialism is usually heard in the phrase to go pear shaped , presumably from the image of a balloon or football losing its spherical shape after puncturing. ► Things were… … Contemporary slang
pear-shaped — Adj. Out of shape, unorganised, wrong. Heard in the expression go pear shaped. E.g. All our plans went pear shaped after our funds were cut by the finance department … English slang and colloquialisms
pear-shaped — UK / US adjective 1) informal a pear shaped person is larger below the waist than above the waist 2) curved in shape and smaller at the top • go pear shaped … English dictionary