Смотреть что такое "pear" в других словарях:
Pear — (p[^a]r), n. [OE. pere, AS. peru, L. pirum: cf. F. poire. Cf. {Perry}.] (Bot.) The fleshy pome, or fruit, of a rosaceous tree ({Pyrus communis}), cultivated in many varieties in temperate climates; also, the tree which bears this fruit. See {Pear … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
PEAR — ? Información general Última versión estable 1.7.2 17 de mayo, 2008 Género ? … Wikipedia Español
PEAR — (pour PHP Extension and Application Repository) est une collection de bibliothèques PHP. C est aussi une application qui permet de gérer les bibliothèques (installer ou mettre à jour une bibliothèque). On peut comparer ce système avec les gems de … Wikipédia en Français
PEAR — (Heb. אַגָּס, mishnaic), Pyrus communis. Although it is first mentioned in rabbinic literature this does not necessarily mean that the pear was not grown in Ereẓ Israel in biblical times. A member of the same genus, the Syrian pear Pyrus syriaca… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
pear — ► NOUN ▪ a yellowish green or brownish green edible fruit, narrow at the stalk and wider towards the tip. ● go pear shaped Cf. ↑go pear shaped ORIGIN Old English, from Latin pirum … English terms dictionary
pear — [ per ] noun count or uncount a fruit that is smaller toward the stem end, is white inside, and has yellow, green, or brown skin. It grows on a pear tree … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pear — O.E. pere, peru, common W.Gmc. (Cf. M.Du., M.L.G. pere, Du. peer), from V.L. *pira, fem. sing. of L. pira, pl. of pirum pear, a loan word from an unknown source … Etymology dictionary
pear — [per] n. [ME pere < OE peru < VL * pira < L pl. of pirum, pear, akin to Gr apion: of pre Gr Mediterranean orig.] 1. a tree (Pyrus communis) of the rose family, with glossy leaves and greenish, brown, or reddish fruit 2. the soft, juicy… … English World dictionary
Pêâr — Pêâr(s) pop. montagnarde du Cambodge (chaîne des Cardamomes). De parler môn khmer, ils ont conservé leurs religions traditionnelles … Encyclopédie Universelle
Pear — Pear, Porr, Bergvolk in West Kambodscha, an den Nordhängen des Kardamomgebirges, etwa 10 000 Angehörige. Sie treiben Brandrodungsfeldbau (Reis) und wohnen in weit verstreuten, aus mehreren Gehöften bestehenden Siedlungen … Universal-Lexikon
pear — S3 [peə US per] n [Date: 1000 1100; : Latin; Origin: pirum] a sweet juicy fruit that has a round base and is thinner near the top, or the tree that produces this fruit … Dictionary of contemporary English