peak-load time
Смотреть что такое "peak-load time" в других словарях:
Peak load — The maximum load during a specified period of time. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary *** The highest electrical demand within a particular period of time. Daily electric peaks on weekdays occur in… … Energy terms
Peak load; Peak demand — The maximum load, or usage, of electrical power occurring in a given period of time, typically a day. Solar Electric Glossary … Energy terms
Time-based pricing — refers to a type offer or contract by a provider of a service or supplier of a commodity, in which the price depends on the time when the service is provided or the commodity is delivered. The rational background of time based pricing is expected … Wikipedia
Peak demand — is used to refer to a historically high point in the sales record of a particular product. In terms of energy use, peak demand describes a period of strong consumer demand. Contents 1 Peak load 1.1 Off peak 1.2 Response … Wikipedia
Coincidental Peak Load — Two or more peak loads that occur at the same time. *** The sum of two or more peak loads that occur in the same time interval. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Noncoincidental peak load — The sum of two or more peak loads on individual systems that do not occur in the same time interval. Meaningful only when considering loads within a limited period of time, such as a day, week, month, a heating or cooling season, and usually… … Energy terms
Noncoincidental Peak Load — The sum of two or more peak loads on individual systems, not occurring in the same time period … Energy terms
Load Factor — The ratio of average energy demand (load) to maximum demand (peak load) during a specific period. The ratio of the average load supplied to the peak or maximum load during a designated period. Load factor, in percent, also may be derived by… … Energy terms
Load leveling — Any load control technique that dampens the cyclical daily load flows and increases baseload generation. Peak load pricing and time of day charges are two techniques that electric utilities use to reduce peak load and to maximize efficient… … Energy terms
peak — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a projecting usu. pointed part, esp.: a the pointed top of a mountain. b a mountain with a peak. c a stiff brim at the front of a cap. d a pointed beard. e the narrow part of a ship s hold at the bow or stern (forepeak; after… … Useful english dictionary
Peak Demand — Maximum power used in a given period of time. *** The maximum load during a specified period of time. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary *** See Peak load. California Energy Comission.… … Energy terms