peak production
Смотреть что такое "peak production" в других словарях:
Peak coal — is the point in time at which the maximum global coal production rate is reached, after which, according to the theory, the rate of production will enter to a terminal decline. Coal is a fossil fuel formed from plant matter over the course of… … Wikipedia
Peak wheat — is the concept that agricultural production, due to its high use of energy inputs [IFDC, World Fertilizer Prices Soar, wfp021908.pdf] , is subject to the same profile as oil and gas production. [Peak Oil, Peak Gold, How… … Wikipedia
peak — peak1 [pēk] vi. [< ?] to become sickly; waste away; droop peak2 [pēk] n. [var. of PIKE5] 1. a tapering part that projects; pointed end or top, as of a cap, roof, etc. 2. part of the hairline coming to a point on the forehead; widow s peak … English World dictionary
Production leveling — Production leveling, also known as production smoothing or – by its Japanese original term – heijunka (平準化?),[1] is a technique for reducing the muda waste and vital to the development of production efficiency in the Toyota Production System and… … Wikipedia
Peak oil — A logistic distribution shaped production curve, as originally suggested by M. King Hubbert in 1956 … Wikipedia
Peak — The transition from the end of an economic expansion to the start of a contraction. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. peak peak 1 [piːk] noun [countable] the time when prices, shares etc have reached their highest point or level: • … Financial and business terms
peak — The high point at the end of an economic expansion until the start of a contraction. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. peak peak 1 [piːk] noun [countable] the time when prices, shares etc have reached their highest point or level: • The… … Financial and business terms
Peak uranium — is the point in time that the maximum global uranium production rate is reached. After that peak, the rate of production enters a terminal decline. While Uranium is used in nuclear weapons, its primary use is for energy generation via nuclear… … Wikipedia
Peak copper — is the point in time at which the maximum global copper production rate is reached, after which, according to theory, the production rate will enter terminal decline. Copper is among the most important industrial metals. Like fossil fuels, copper … Wikipedia
Peak oil (disambiguation) — *Peak oil discusses factors contributing to an oil production peak and the possible consequences generally associated with peak oil *Hubbert peak theory explains M. King Hubbert s theory of the rate of resource production over time, and its… … Wikipedia
Peak Records — is a record label that was co founded by The Rippingtons leader and guitarist Russ Freeman Andi Howard in 1994.The early years, Peak founded as a production for Russ group The Rippingtons in GRP Records. Now, Peak is a part of Concord Records.… … Wikipedia