peak period

peak period
период максимального товарооборота

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "peak period" в других словарях:

  • peak period — a highly active part of the annual life cycle of a fish when anglers most easily make catches …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • peak period — / pi:k ˌpɪəriəd/ noun the time of the day when something is at its highest point, e.g. when most commuters are travelling or when most electricity is being used …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • Peak demand — is used to refer to a historically high point in the sales record of a particular product. In terms of energy use, peak demand describes a period of strong consumer demand. Contents 1 Peak load 1.1 Off peak 1.2 Response …   Wikipedia

  • Peak-load pricing — is a pricing technique applied to public goods, which is a particular case of a Lindahl equilibrium. Instead of different demands for the same public good, we consider the demands for a public good in different periods of the day, month or year,… …   Wikipedia

  • peak hour — /ˈpik aʊə/ (say peek owuh) noun the period at which city traffic is at its densest. Also, peak period, rush hour. –peak hour, adjective …  

  • peak*/ — [piːk] noun [C] I 1) the time when something is at its highest or greatest level The traffic reaches its peak at about 8.30 in the morning.[/ex] 2) the top of a mountain snow covered peaks[/ex] 3) literary a mountain one of the hardest peaks in… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Peak power — is the maximum level of work or energy output that is measured during an observation period.See also: Power Physics Exercise physiologists measure peak power in their evaluation of human energy generating capacities.Peak power also refers to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Peak earning years — refers to the time in life when workers earn the most money per year.US perspectiveGiven their initial lack of experience, workers earnings start out low. Earnings peak when workers hit middle age, then begin to fall as retirement approaches. But …   Wikipedia

  • peak — peak1 [pēk] vi. [< ?] to become sickly; waste away; droop peak2 [pēk] n. [var. of PIKE5] 1. a tapering part that projects; pointed end or top, as of a cap, roof, etc. 2. part of the hairline coming to a point on the forehead; widow s peak …   English World dictionary

  • peak-hour — «PEEK OWR», adjective. of or having to do with the hour or period of time when something is at its peak: »The Post Office says even peak hour mail could be speeded up if more of it were properly prepared (Wall Street Journal) …   Useful english dictionary

  • off-peak period — /ɒf pi:k ˌpɪəriəd/ noun the time when business is less busy …   Marketing dictionary in english

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