- peak flow
1. сток паводка, паводочный сток;
объем паводка
2. расход пика паводка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Peak Flow — Meter Der Peak Flow ist ein Messwert in der Medizin, der angibt, mit welcher Geschwindigkeit eine Person Luft aus ihrer Lunge blasen kann. Es ist ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel zur Diagnose, Einschätzung des Therapieerfolgs und zur Verlaufskontrolle… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Peak-flow — Le peak flow est un appareil destiné à mesurer la capacité pulmonaire chez l insuffisant respiratoire et, en particulier, chez l asthmatique. Ce document provient de « Peak flow ». Catégorie : Médecine … Wikipédia en Français
peak flow meter — pēk flō n a device that measures the maximum rate of air flow out of the lungs during forced expiration and that is used esp. for monitoring lung capacity of individuals with asthma (as to indicate bronchial narrowing) called also peak expiratory … Medical dictionary
Peak flow meter — A peak flow meter is a small, hand held device used to manage asthma by monitoring airflow through the bronchi and thus the degree of obstruction in the airways. FunctionThe peak flow meter measures the patient s maximum ability to exhale, or… … Wikipedia
Peak-flow meter — This hand held device measures air flow (how fast air is blown out of the lungs). Patients can use peak flow meters to measure their own air flow regularly. The use of a peak flow meter allows patients to obtain a much earlier indication of an… … Medical dictionary
peak flow meter — noun An instrument that monitors the peak expiratory flow rate of air from a persons bronchi; used to manage asthma … Wiktionary
peak flow meter — noun Date: 1962 a device that measures the maximum rate of air flow out of the lungs during forced expiration and that is used especially for monitoring lung capacity of asthmatics … New Collegiate Dictionary
peak flow — noun a) The largest measure of air respired from the lungs b) The largest volume of water discharged from a stream or river … Wiktionary
peak flow — the highest discharge found in a river channel in response to a particular rainfall or snowmelt event … Geography glossary
Meter, peak-flow — This hand held device measures air flow (how fast air is blown out of the lungs). Patients can use peak flow meters to measure their own air flow regularly. The use of a peak flow meter allows patients to obtain a much earlier indication of an… … Medical dictionary
peak flow meter — … Useful english dictionary