peace negotiations
Смотреть что такое "peace negotiations" в других словарях:
peace negotiations — discuss ways to bring about a lasting peace … English contemporary dictionary
Peace of Westphalia — Treaties of Osnabrück and Münster Ratification of the Peace of Münster (Gerard ter Borch, Münster, 1648) Type Peace treaty … Wikipedia
peace — UK US /piːs/ noun [U] POLITICS ► freedom from war and violence: achieve/broker/promote peace »Failure to achieve peace in the Middle East was one of the Secretary of State s major regrets. at peace »The country is now at peace after nearly 30… … Financial and business terms
Peace opposition — ( Rauhanoppositio ) is a term used to describe a Finnish cross party movement (in 1944) uniting both bourgeois politicians like Paasikivi, Kekkonen, Sakari Tuomioja etc. and (mostly left leaning) social democrats, aiming at stepping out of the… … Wikipedia
Peace process in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict — Part of a series on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and Arab–Israeli conflict Israeli–Palestinian peace process … Wikipedia
Peace of Paris (1783) — The Peace of Paris (1783) was the set of treaties which ended the American Revolutionary War. On 3 September 1783, representatives of King George III of Great Britain signed a treaty in Paris with representatives of the United States of America… … Wikipedia
Peace of Szeged — The Treaty of Edirne and the Peace of Szeged were two halves of a peace treaty between Sultan Murad II of the Ottoman Empire and King Vladislaus of the Kingdom of Hungary. Despot Đurađ Branković of the Serbian Despotate also had a large role in… … Wikipedia
Peace of Riga — The Peace of Riga, also known as the Treaty of Riga; ( ru. Рижский мирный договóр romanisation Rízhsky Mírny dogovór , lv. Rīgas miera līgums and pl. Traktat Ryski) was signed in Riga on 18 March, 1921, between Poland and the Soviet Union. The… … Wikipedia
Peace of Münster — The Peace of Münster was a treaty between the United Netherlands and Spain signed in 1648. It was a landmark treaty for the Dutch republic and one of the key events in Dutch history; with it, the United Netherlands finally became independent from … Wikipedia
negotiations — n. 1) to conduct; enter into negotiations 2) to break off negotiations 3) delicate; direct; fruitless, unsuccessful; high level; marathon, round the clock; successful; top level negotiations 4) diplomatic; peace negotiations 5) negotiations… … Combinatory dictionary
Peace Movement — (Peace Camp) Within Israel, between the Six Day War (1967) and the Yom Kippur War (1973), two alternatives to the official position developed that focused on the Occupied Territories and their disposition. Some argued that Israel should retain … Historical Dictionary of Israel