payment of stock
Смотреть что такое "payment of stock" в других словарях:
stock — n 1 a: the equipment, materials, or supplies of a business b: a store or supply accumulated; esp: the inventory of the goods of a merchant or manufacturer 2: the ownership element in a corporation usu. divided into shares and represented by… … Law dictionary
Stock Appreciation Right — Stock appreciation rights (SARs) is a method for companies to give their management or employees a bonus if the company performs well financially. Such a method is called a plan . Stock appreciation rights (SARs) and phantom stock are very… … Wikipedia
Stock-option — Une stock option (ou stock option) est une forme de rémunération versée par une entreprise généralement cotée en bourse. Il s agit d une option d achat (call) dont l actif sous jacent est l action de l entreprise concernée. Ainsi, ce système… … Wikipédia en Français
Stock-options — Stock option Une stock option (ou stock option) est une forme de rémunération versée par une entreprise généralement cotée en bourse. Il s agit d une option d achat (call) dont l actif sous jacent est l action de l entreprise concernée. Ainsi, ce … Wikipédia en Français
Stock dividend — Payment of a corporate dividend in the form of stock rather than cash. The stock dividend may be additional shares in the company, or it may be shares in a subsidiary being spun off to shareholders. Stock dividends are often used to conserve cash … Financial and business terms
stock dividend — Payment of a corporate dividend in the form of stock rather than cash. The stock dividend may be additional shares in the company, or it may be shares in a subsidiary being spun off to shareholders. Stock dividends are often used to conserve cash … Financial and business terms
stock merger — ➔ merger * * * stock merger UK US noun [C] (also stock swap merger) STOCK MARKET, FINANCE ► an occasion when two or more companies join together and the shareholders of one company receive shares in the other company or companies rather than… … Financial and business terms
Stock option expensing — is a method of accounting for the value of share options, distributed as incentives to employees, within the profit and loss reporting of a listed business. It is an accounting standard thought by several Socially Responsible Investors to improve … Wikipedia
stock dividend — n. 1. a dividend in the form of shares of stock 2. the payment of such a dividend … English World dictionary
Payment Deferred — is a crime novel by C.S. Forester, first published in 1926.William Marble is a bank clerk living in south London, desperately worried about money and unable to control his wife Annie s spending. One evening without warning they are visited by his … Wikipedia
Stock based compensation — Stock Based Compensation, also known as share based payment, is remuneration offered to an employee by way of an option to purchase shares in the employing company at a discounted rate at a future point in time. This is a common method used by… … Wikipedia