payment of penalty
Смотреть что такое "payment of penalty" в других словарях:
penalty — pen·al·ty / pen əl tē/ n pl ties 1: a punishment that is imposed on a wrongdoer by statute or judicial decision 2: a pecuniary sum that by agreement is to be paid by a party who fails to fulfill an obligation to another and that is punitive… … Law dictionary
penalty — pen‧al‧ty [ˈpenlti] noun penalties PLURALFORM [countable] 1. a punishment for breaking a law or rule: penalty for • There will be increased penalties for dumping oil at sea. • The offence carries a maximum … Financial and business terms
penalty clause — n 1: a clause (as in a contract) that calls for a penalty to be paid or suffered by a party under specified terms (as in the event of a breach) and that is usu. unenforceable ◇ A penalty clause differs from a liquidated damages clause by not… … Law dictionary
penalty rate — noun (Aust) A higher than normal rate of payment, for work done outside normal hours or in unusual conditions • • • Main Entry: ↑penalty … Useful english dictionary
payment — [pā′mənt] n. 1. a paying or being paid 2. something that is paid 3. penalty or reward … English World dictionary
penalty — noun 1 punishment ADJECTIVE ▪ harsh, heavy, hefty, severe, stiff, strict, substantial, tough ▪ draconian … Collocations dictionary
penalty — An elastic term with many different shades of meaning; it involves idea of punishment, corporeal or pecuniary, or civil or criminal, although its meaning is generally confined to pecuniary punishment. Allied v. Graves, 261 N.C. 31, 134 S.E.2d 186 … Black's law dictionary
penalty — In the broad sense of the term, the consequences visited by law upon the heads of those who violate the law, particularly provisions of the criminal law and police regulations. A punishment for the nonperformance of an act or for the performance… … Ballentine's law dictionary
penalty clause — noun also penalty indicia : the statement printed on the cover of a piece of government free mail giving notice of the penalty for private use to avoid payment of postage compare frank vt 1 … Useful english dictionary
penalty — Synonyms and related words: abatement, acquittal, agio, allowance, amercement, bank discount, breakage, burden, burthen, cargo, cash discount, castigation, chain discount, charge, charge off, chastening, chastisement, concession, condemnation,… … Moby Thesaurus
penalty for nonpayment of taxes — A penalty, often in the form of imposition of interest charges, on the amount in which a taxpayer is delinquent in payment. 51 Am J1st Tax § 970 … Ballentine's law dictionary