payment of an advance
Смотреть что такое "payment of an advance" в других словарях:
payment beforehand — index advance (allowance) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
advance — verb 1》 move forwards. ↘cause to occur at an earlier date than planned. 2》 make or cause to make progress. 3》 put forward (a theory or suggestion). 4》 hand over (payment) to (someone) as a loan or before it is due. noun 1》 a forward movement … English new terms dictionary
Advance Funding — This refers to any advance made on a future commitment or payment. The term, advance funding, is used very broadly, ranging from personal or project loans, future contractual payments like annuities or royalties and government appropriations.… … Investment dictionary
advance — ad·vance 1 vt ad·vanced, ad·vanc·ing: to supply or provide ahead of time: as a: to give (a gift) by way of or as an advancement b: to supply (as money) beforehand in expectation of repayment or other future adjustment advance 2 n: a provision of… … Law dictionary
advance payment — ➔ payment … Financial and business terms
Advance corporation tax — (ACT) was the scheme under which companies made an advance payment of corporation tax when they distributed dividend payments to shareholders. This payment was then offset against the company s final corporation tax bill. Certain recipients, such … Wikipedia
advance — 1. advance, advanced. The meanings are different, advance being a noun used attributively or as a modifier to mean ‘placed in advance; going before’, as in advance copy, advance guard, advance payment, etc., whereas advanced means ‘far on in… … Modern English usage
Advance — may refer to: *Advance, an offensive push in sports, games, thoughts or military combat *Advance payment for goods or services *USS Advance , the name of several ships in the United States Navy *Game Boy Advance, one generation of Nintendo s Game … Wikipedia
advance — [adj] ahead in position or time beforehand, earlier, early, first, foremost, forward, in front, in the forefront, in the lead, leading, previously, prior; concepts 583,585,799 Ant. after, behind advance [n1] forward movement advancement, headway … New thesaurus
advance — [ad vans′, ədvans′] vt. advanced, advancing [ME avancen < OFr avancer, to forward < VL * abantiare < L ab , from + ante, before: sp. ad by assoc. with L ad, to, forward] 1. to bring forward; move forward [to advance a chessman] 2. to… … English World dictionary
Advance — Ad*vance , n. [Cf. F. avance, fr. avancer. See {Advance}, v.] 1. The act of advancing or moving forward or upward; progress. [1913 Webster] 2. Improvement or progression, physically, mentally, morally, or socially; as, an advance in health,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English