payment of a fine
Смотреть что такое "payment of a fine" в других словарях:
fine — fine1 [fīn] adj. finer, finest [ME fin < OFr < ML finus, for L finis, an end, limit: see FINISH] 1. Obs. finished; perfected 2. superior in quality; better than average; excellent; very good [a fine sample] 3. of exceptional character or… … English World dictionary
fine — {{11}}fine (adj.) mid 13c., unblemished, refined, pure; of superior quality, from O.Fr. fin perfected, of highest quality (12c.), from L. finis end, limit (see FINISH (Cf. finish)); hence acme, peak, height, as in finis boni the highest good. In… … Etymology dictionary
fine — 1 n [Anglo French fin fine & Medieval Latin finis end, boundary, agreement, payment for release or privilege, monetary penalty, from Latin finis end, boundary] 1: a sum imposed as punishment for an offense compare restitution 2: a forfeiture or… … Law dictionary
Fine Cotton — was an Australian thoroughbred horse which was at the centre of a substitution scam (also known as a ring in) which occurred on August 18, 1984 in the Commerce Novice (2nd division) Handicap over 1500 metres at Eagle Farm Racecourse, Brisbane,… … Wikipedia
fine — Ⅰ. fine [1] ► ADJECTIVE 1) of very high quality. 2) satisfactory. 3) in good health and feeling well. 4) (of the weather) bright and clear. 5) (of a thread, filament, or hair) thin. 6) of delicate or intricate w … English terms dictionary
Fine — (f[imac]n), n. [OE. fin, L. finis end, also in LL., a final agreement or concord between the lord and his vassal; a sum of money paid at the end, so as to make an end of a transaction, suit, or prosecution; mulct; penalty; cf. OF. fin end,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fine for alienation — Fine Fine (f[imac]n), n. [OE. fin, L. finis end, also in LL., a final agreement or concord between the lord and his vassal; a sum of money paid at the end, so as to make an end of a transaction, suit, or prosecution; mulct; penalty; cf. OF. fin… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fine of lands — Fine Fine (f[imac]n), n. [OE. fin, L. finis end, also in LL., a final agreement or concord between the lord and his vassal; a sum of money paid at the end, so as to make an end of a transaction, suit, or prosecution; mulct; penalty; cf. OF. fin… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fine print — n: a part of an agreement or document spelling out restrictions or limitations often in small type or obscure language Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. fine print … Law dictionary
payment for misconduct — index fine Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
fine — fine1 /fuyn/, adj., finer, finest, adv., v., fined, fining, n. adj. 1. of superior or best quality; of high or highest grade: fine wine. 2. choice, excellent, or admirable: a fine painting. 3. consisting of minute part … Universalium