pay one's subscription

pay one's subscription
платить взносы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pay one's subscription" в других словарях:

  • subscription — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ annual, monthly, yearly, etc. ▪ one month, one year, etc. ▪ a one year subscription to this service …   Collocations dictionary

  • Subscription business model — Subscription redirects here. For the subscription process for shares etc., see Subscription (finance). The subscription business model is a business model where a customer must pay a subscription price to have access to the product/service. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Pay television — Pay television, premium television, or premium channels refers to subscription based television services, usually provided by both analog and digital cable and satellite, but also increasingly via digital terrestrial and internet television. Some …   Wikipedia

  • subscription — sub·scrip·tion /səb skrip shən/ n 1: the act of signing one s name (as in attesting or witnessing a document) 2: something that is subscribed; specif: a sum subscribed or pledged a charitable subscription 3: an agreement to purchase securities… …   Law dictionary

  • Pay-per-view — (often abbreviated PPV) is the system in which television viewers can purchase events to be seen on TV and pay for the private telecast of that event to their homes. The event is shown at the same time to everyone ordering it, as opposed to video …   Wikipedia

  • pay — pay1 [pā] vt. paid or [Obs.] (except in phrase PAY OUT, sense 2)Obs. payed, paying [ME paien, to pay, satisfy < OFr paier < L pacare, to pacify < pax,PEACE] 1. to give to (a person) what is due, as for goods received, services rendered,… …   English World dictionary

  • One-off housing — is a term used in Ireland to refer to the building of individual rural houses, outside of towns and villages. The term is used to contrast with housing developments where multiple units are constructed as part of a housing estate or city street.… …   Wikipedia

  • Subscription library — A subscription library (also membership library or independent library) is a library that is financed by private funds either from membership fees or endowments. Unlike a public library, access is often restricted to members, but access rights… …   Wikipedia

  • One Vision (DTT) — OneVision DTT Type Digital Terrestrial Television Industry Media Founded 2009 Headquarters Dublin, Ireland TV3 Group Dubl …   Wikipedia

  • Pay wall — A Pay Wall blocks access to a webpage with a window requiring payment from a credit card. New York TimesThe New York Times had a subscription program, TimesSelect, which charged $49.95 a year, or $7.95 a month, for online access to the newspaper… …   Wikipedia

  • subscription — The act of writing one s name under a written instrument; the affixing one s signature to any document, whether for the purpose of authenticating or attesting it, of adopting its terms as one s own expressions, or of binding one s self by an… …   Black's law dictionary

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