pay one's passage
Смотреть что такое "pay one's passage" в других словарях:
pay one's passage — pay the price for travel, pay travel expenses … English contemporary dictionary
work one's passage — To earn one s passage at sea by unpaid labour on board (also figurative) • • • Main Entry: ↑passage * * * I work in return for a free place on a voyage he worked his passage home as a steward II pay for one s journey on a ship with work instead… … Useful english dictionary
work one's passage — Ⅰ. ► work one s passage pay for one s journey on a ship with work instead of money. Main Entry: ↑work Ⅱ. ► work one s passage work in return for a free place on a voyage. Main Entry: ↑passage … English terms dictionary
book one's passage — reserve a place on a ship, pay one s boat fare … English contemporary dictionary
Passage — Pas sage, n. [F. passage. See {Pass}, v. i.] 1. The act of passing; transit from one place to another; movement from point to point; a going by, over, across, or through; as, the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a bird;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Passage hawk — Passage Pas sage, n. [F. passage. See {Pass}, v. i.] 1. The act of passing; transit from one place to another; movement from point to point; a going by, over, across, or through; as, the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Passage money — Passage Pas sage, n. [F. passage. See {Pass}, v. i.] 1. The act of passing; transit from one place to another; movement from point to point; a going by, over, across, or through; as, the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
In passage — Passage Pas sage, n. [F. passage. See {Pass}, v. i.] 1. The act of passing; transit from one place to another; movement from point to point; a going by, over, across, or through; as, the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Middle passage — Passage Pas sage, n. [F. passage. See {Pass}, v. i.] 1. The act of passing; transit from one place to another; movement from point to point; a going by, over, across, or through; as, the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Northeast passage — Passage Pas sage, n. [F. passage. See {Pass}, v. i.] 1. The act of passing; transit from one place to another; movement from point to point; a going by, over, across, or through; as, the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Northwest passage — Passage Pas sage, n. [F. passage. See {Pass}, v. i.] 1. The act of passing; transit from one place to another; movement from point to point; a going by, over, across, or through; as, the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English