pay double

pay double
заплатить вдвое

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pay double" в других словарях:

  • double time — ➔ time * * * double time UK US noun [U] HR ► twice the usual rate of pay for a job: »Employers may pay double time for work performed on weekends or holidays …   Financial and business terms

  • double — [dub′əl] adj. [ME < OFr < L duplus, lit., twofold (akin to Gr diploos) < duo, TWO + plus < IE * plo , fold < base * pel , to FOLD1] 1. two combined; twofold; duplex 2. having two layers; folded in two 3. having two of one kind;… …   English World dictionary

  • Double — Dou ble, n. 1. Twice as much; twice the number, sum, quantity, length, value, and the like. [1913 Webster] If the thief be found, let him pay double. Ex. xxii. 7. [1913 Webster] 2. Among compositors, a doublet (see {Doublet}, 2.); among pressmen …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • double indemnity — double in demnity noun count or uncount LEGAL a section in a life insurance agreement that says the insurance company will pay double the amount of money if the person who bought the insurance dies in an accident rather than because of illness or …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pay — ▪ I. pay pay 1 [peɪ] noun [uncountable] the money someone receives for the job they do: • She got the job, but it meant a big pay cut. • an increase in hourly pay • All I want is a full day s work for a full day s pay …   Financial and business terms

  • double — 1. adjective 1) a double garage double yellow lines Syn: dual, duplex, twin, binary, duplicate, in pairs, coupled, twofold Ant: single 2) a double helping …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • double indemnity — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms double indemnity : singular double indemnity plural double indemnities legal mainly American a section in a life insurance agreement that says the insurance company will pay double the amount of… …   English dictionary

  • Double Indemnity (film) — Double Indemnity Theatrical release poster Directed by Billy Wilder Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • Double Demotivation — is a theory involving pay and motivation first postulated by S.C. Carr and MacLachlan. The double demotivation hypothesises that pay discrepancies decrease work motivation among both lower and higher paid individuals who essentially perform the… …   Wikipedia

  • double indemnity — n: a provision in a life insurance or accident policy whereby the company agrees to pay twice the face of the contract in case of accidental death Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. double indemnity …   Law dictionary

  • Double or Nothing (Angel) — Double or Nothing Angel episode Episode no. Season 3 Episode 18 Directed by David Grossman Written b …   Wikipedia

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