pay costs

pay costs
оплачивать издержки

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pay costs" в других словарях:

  • costs only proceedings — The procedure to be followed where, before court proceedings are commenced, the parties to a dispute reach an agreement on all issues, including which party is to pay costs, but are unable to agree the amount of those costs (see CPR 44.12A ( …   Law dictionary

  • pay expenses — pay costs, pay charges …   English contemporary dictionary

  • costs — /kɒsts/ plural noun the expenses involved in a court case ● The judge awarded costs to the defendant. ● Costs of the case will be borne by the prosecution. ♦ to pay costs to pay the expenses of a court case …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Costs (English law) — Costs is a term of art in civil litigation in English law (the law of England and Wales), and in other Commonwealth jurisdictions. After judgment has been given, the judge has the power to order who will pay the lawyers fees and other… …   Wikipedia

  • Pay for performance (healthcare) — Pay for performance is an emerging movement in health insurance (initially in Britain and United States). Providers under this arrangement are rewarded for meeting pre established targets for delivery of healthcare services. This is a fundamental …   Wikipedia

  • Pay as you throw — (PAYT) (also called trash metering, unit pricing, variable rate pricing, or user pay) is a usage pricing model for disposing of municipal solid waste. Users are charged a rate based on how much waste they present for collection to the… …   Wikipedia

  • costs — Ⅰ. costs [plural] (also legal costs) ► LAW the money that helps pay for the lawyers and the court in a legal case, usually paid by the person or organization that has lost the case: »They were fined $50,000 and ordered to pay $10,000 in costs. →… …   Financial and business terms

  • pay its way — pay its (or one s) way (of an enterprise or person) earn enough to cover its (or one s) costs some students are paying their way through college * * * pay its ˈway idiom (of a business, etc.) to make enough money to pay what it costs to keep it… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pay# — pay vb Pay, compensate, remunerate, satisfy, reimburse, indemnify, repay, recompense are comparable when they mean to give money or an equivalent in return for something. Pay is the ordinary term when the giving or furnishing of money to… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • pay-as-you-go — /pay euhz yoo goh /, n. 1. the principle or practice of paying for goods and services at the time of purchase, rather than relying on credit. adj. 2. of, pertaining to, or based on such a principle or practice: a pay as you go budget. [1830 40,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pay for itself — phrase if something that you have bought pays for itself, it allows you to save as much money as you paid when you bought it A more efficient machine would pay for itself within a year. Thesaurus: relating to making profitsynonym Main entry: pay… …   Useful english dictionary

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