pay cap

pay cap
лимит, предел, ограничение, верхний уровень зарплаты

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pay cap" в других словарях:

  • CAP Markets — CAP Märkte (CAP Markets) are medium sized neighbourhood supermarkets in Germany employing disabled people. Each unit is typically run by a local disablement association, but the brand is owned by a co operative of sheltered workshops. As well as… …   Wikipedia

  • Pay-per-view — (often abbreviated PPV) is the system in which television viewers can purchase events to be seen on TV and pay for the private telecast of that event to their homes. The event is shown at the same time to everyone ordering it, as opposed to video …   Wikipedia

  • Cap and Share — is the name of both an approach and a campaign to halt climate change. It is based on the belief that every human being has a right to an equal share of the Earth s very limited capacity to accept further greenhouse gas emissions before the… …   Wikipedia

  • cap — cap1 capless, adj. /kap/, n., v., capped, capping. n. 1. a close fitting covering for the head, usually of soft supple material and having no visor or brim. 2. a brimless head covering with a visor, as a baseball cap. 3. mobcap. 4. a headdress… …   Universalium

  • Cap Lopez — The Cap Lopez was a ship that became stranded on the south Goodwin Sands on December 21, 1907. The ship originated from Antwerp, but bears the same name as a harbour at Gabon, a west African coastal nation that gained its liberty from France… …   Wikipedia

  • Salary cap — In professional sports, a salary cap (or wage cap) is a cartel agreement between teams that places a limit on the amount of money that can be spent on player salaries. The limit exists as a per player limit or a total limit for the team s roster …   Wikipedia

  • NHL salary cap — The NHL Salary Cap is the limit to the total amount of money that National Hockey League teams are allowed to pay their players and uses a hard cap, meaning there are no luxury taxes or exemptions. The actual amount of the cap varies on a year to …   Wikipedia

  • NBA Salary Cap — The NBA Salary Cap is the limit to the total amount of money that National Basketball Association teams are allowed to pay their players. While this seems simple enough in concept, the salary cap is in actuality extremely complex, and contains… …   Wikipedia

  • NBA salary cap — The NBA salary cap is the limit to the total amount of money that National Basketball Association teams are allowed to pay their players. This limit is subject to a complex system of rules and exceptions and as such is considered a soft cap. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Executive pay — is financial compensation received by an officer of a firm, often as a mixture of salary, bonuses, shares of and/or call options on the company stock, etc. Over the past three decades, executive pay has risen dramatically beyond the rising levels …   Wikipedia

  • Equal pay for women — is an issue regarding pay inequality between men and women. It is often introduced into domestic politics in many first world countries as an economic problem that needs governmental intervention via regulation. The Equal Remuneration Convention… …   Wikipedia

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