pay by transfer

pay by transfer
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pay by transfer" в других словарях:

  • Transfer pricing — refers to the pricing of contributions (assets, tangible and intangible, services, and funds) transferred within an organization. For example, goods from the production division may be sold to the marketing division, or goods from a parent… …   Wikipedia

  • pay — pay1 [pā] vt. paid or [Obs.] (except in phrase PAY OUT, sense 2)Obs. payed, paying [ME paien, to pay, satisfy < OFr paier < L pacare, to pacify < pax,PEACE] 1. to give to (a person) what is due, as for goods received, services rendered,… …   English World dictionary

  • transfer — A change of ownership from one person or party to another. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary On the London Stock Exchange, the form signed by the seller of a security authorising the company to remove his name from the register, and substitute that… …   Financial and business terms

  • pay — pay1 /pay/, v., paid or (Obs. except for defs. 12, 24c) payed; paying; n., adj. v.t. 1. to settle (a debt, obligation, etc.), as by transferring money or goods, or by doing something: Please pay your bill. 2. to give over (a certain amount of… …   Universalium

  • pay — I [[t]peɪ[/t]] v. paid or ( obs. except for def. 18b) payed, pay•ing, 1) to discharge or settle (a debt, obligation, etc.), as by transferring money or goods, or by doing something 2) to give over (money) in exchange for something 3) to transfer… …   From formal English to slang

  • Transfer (football) — In association football, a transfer is the action taken whenever a player moves between clubs. It refers to the transferring of a players registration from one club to another. In general the players can only be transferred during a transfer… …   Wikipedia

  • Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 — Tupe is also the name of a place in Peru, in the provincia de Yauyos , departamento de Lima . The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006, or TUPE ( pronounced 2p) ( [ SI… …   Wikipedia

  • Transfer agent — Companies that have publicly traded securities typically use transfer agents to keep track of the individuals and entities that own their stocks and bonds. Most transfer agents are banks or trust companies, but sometimes a company acts as its own …   Wikipedia

  • transfer */*/*/ — I UK [trænsˈfɜː(r)] / US [trænsˈfɜr] / US [ˈtrænsfər] verb Word forms transfer : present tense I/you/we/they transfer he/she/it transfers present participle transferring past tense transferred past participle transferred 1)… …   English dictionary

  • transfer — trans|fer1 [ træns fɜr, trænsfər ] verb *** ▸ 1 move to somewhere else ▸ 2 give to someone/something else ▸ 3 change phone line for ▸ 4 make new owner of ▸ 5 copy to somewhere else ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) intransitive or transitive to move from one job …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pay — I. verb (paid; also in sense 7 payed; paying) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French paier, from Latin pacare to pacify, from pac , pax peace Date: 13th century transitive verb 1. a. to make due return to for services rendered or property… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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