pawner, pawnor
Смотреть что такое "pawner, pawnor" в других словарях:
Pawnor — Pawner Pawn er, Pawnor Pawn*or , n. (Law) One who pawns or pledges anything as security for the payment of borrowed money or of a debt. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pawner — Pawn er, Pawnor Pawn*or , n. (Law) One who pawns or pledges anything as security for the payment of borrowed money or of a debt. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pawnor — noun see pawner … Useful english dictionary
pawn — I. noun Etymology: Middle English pown, from Anglo French peoun, paun, from Medieval Latin pedon , pedo foot soldier, from Latin ped , pes foot more at foot Date: 14th century 1. one of the chessmen of least value having the power to move only… … New Collegiate Dictionary
pawn — pawn1 pawnable, adj. pawner /paw neuhr/, pawnor /paw neuhr, nawr/, n. /pawn/, v.t. 1. to deposit as security, as for money borrowed, esp. with a pawnbroker: He raised the money by pawning his watch. 2. to pledge; stake; risk: to pawn one s life … Universalium
pawn — pawn1 [pôn] n. [LME paun < MFr pan, piece of cloth < L pannus, cloth (? used as medium of exchange): see PANE] 1. anything given as security, as for a debt, performance of an action, etc.; pledge; guaranty 2. a hostage 3. the state of being … English World dictionary