Смотреть что такое "pave-ment" в других словарях:
pave|ment — «PAYV muhnt», noun. 1. a covering or surface for streets, sidewalks, or driveways, made of such material as concrete, asphalt, gravel, stones, bricks, or wood: »Traffic loads like this are far more than the pavement was designed to bear… … Useful english dictionary
pave·ment — /ˈpeıvmənt/ noun, pl ments 1 [noncount] US : the hard surface of a road, driveway, etc. He stopped the car just off the pavement. The summer heat rose off the pavement. 2 [count … Useful english dictionary
pave — pave; pave·ment; pave·men·tal; pave·ment·ed; un·pave; … English syllables
pavement — pave·ment … English syllables
pavemented — pave·ment·ed … English syllables
pavement epithelium — pave·ment epithelium pāv mənt n an epithelium made up of a single layer of flat cells * * * simple squamous epithelium … Medical dictionary
pavement — pave|ment [ˈpeıvmənt] n 1.) BrE a hard level surface or path at the side of a road for people to walk on American Equivalent: sidewalk ▪ A small group of journalists waited on the pavement outside her house. ▪ a pavement café 2.) [U] AmE the hard … Dictionary of contemporary English
pavement — pave|ment [ peıvmənt ] noun 1. ) uncount AMERICAN the surface of a road 2. ) count BRITISH a SIDEWALK … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pavement — pave•ment [[t]ˈpeɪv mənt[/t]] n. 1) civ a paved road, highway, etc 2) civ a paved surface, ground covering, or floor 3) civ a material used for paving 4) brit. dial. Atlantic States and Brit. sidewalk • Etymology: 1250–1300 … From formal English to slang
Re. — rupee. Also, re. * * * re1 «ray», noun. the second tone of the musical diatonic scale. ╂[< Medieval Latin re < Latin re (sonāre) to resound. See etym. under gamut. (Cf. ↑gamut)] … Useful english dictionary
R.E. — 1. real estate. 2. Reformed Episcopal. 3. Right Excellent. * * * re1 «ray», noun. the second tone of the musical diatonic scale. ╂[< Medieval Latin re < Latin re (sonāre) to resound. See etym. under gamut … Useful english dictionary