Смотреть что такое "patrioteer" в других словарях:
patrioteer — pa·tri·o·teer … English syllables
patrioteer — noun an extreme bellicose nationalist • Syn: ↑chauvinist, ↑jingoist, ↑jingo, ↑flag waver, ↑hundred percenter • Derivationally related forms: ↑jingoism (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Der Untertan — Cover of an English translation. Der Untertan is the most famous novel by German author Heinrich Mann. It has been translated into English under the titles Man of Straw, The Patrioteer, and The Loyal Subject (translation by Helmut Peitsch). The… … Wikipedia
pa|tri|ot|eer — «PAY tree uh TIHR; especially British PAT ree uh TIHR», noun, verb. –n. a person who makes a parade of his patriotic spirit or service, especially in doing what is for his own profit: »They are quick to detect the phony and they can distinguish a … Useful english dictionary
Clive Barker's Jericho — Developer(s) MercurySteam Publisher(s) … Wikipedia
Saverne Affair — The Saverne Affair (German: Zabern Affäre, French: Affaire de Saverne) was a crisis of domestic policy which occurred in the German Empire at the end of 1913. It was caused by political unrest in Saverne (German: Zabern ) in Alsace, where two… … Wikipedia
Mann, Heinrich — ▪ German writer born March 27, 1871, Lübeck, Ger. died March 12, 1950, Santa Monica, Calif., U.S. German novelist and essayist, a socially committed writer whose best known works are attacks on the authoritarian social structure of German… … Universalium
chauvinist — Synonyms and related words: bigot, chauvin, doctrinaire, dogmatist, fanatic, flag waver, hard hat, hawk, hundred percent American, hundred percenter, illiberal, intolerant, jingo, jingoist, male chauvinist, militarist, nationalist, patriot,… … Moby Thesaurus
hard hat — Synonyms and related words: Bircher, Bourbon, Tory, aegis, arm guard, backstop, buffer, bulwark, bumper, chauvin, chauvinist, conservatist, conservative, contraceptive, copyright, crash helmet, cushion, dashboard, diehard, dodger, extreme right… … Moby Thesaurus
jingo — Synonyms and related words: bigot, chauvin, chauvinist, doctrinaire, dogmatist, fanatic, flag waver, hard hat, hawk, hundred percent American, hundred percenter, illiberal, intolerant, jingoist, male chauvinist, militarist, nationalist, patriot,… … Moby Thesaurus
superpatriot — Synonyms and related words: bigot, chauvin, chauvinist, doctrinaire, dogmatist, fanatic, flag waver, hard hat, hundred percent American, hundred percenter, illiberal, intolerant, jingo, jingoist, male chauvinist, nationalist, patriot, patrioteer … Moby Thesaurus