- patrilineage
- (книжное) патрилинейность, генеалогия по мужской линии
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
patrilineage — genealoginė ūkinių gyvūnų linija statusas Aprobuotas sritis ūkinių gyvūnų ir paukščių genetiniai ištekliai apibrėžtis Grupė vertingų ūkinių gyvūnų, ne mažiau kaip penkių kartų palikuonių, kilusių iš bendro giminės pradininko. atitikmenys: angl.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
patrilineage — /pa treuh lin ee ij, pay /, n. lineal descent traced through the male line. [1945 50; PATRI + LINEAGE1] * * * … Universalium
patrilineage — noun A group of descendants related through a common male lineage … Wiktionary
patrilineage — Synonyms and related words: affiliation, agnation, alliance, ancestry, blood, blood relationship, brotherhood, brothership, cognation, common ancestry, common descent, connection, consanguinity, cousinhood, cousinship, enation, fatherhood,… … Moby Thesaurus
patrilineage — pat·ri·lineage … English syllables
patrilineage — pat•ri•lin•e•age [[t]ˌpæ trəˈlɪn i ɪdʒ, ˌpeɪ [/t]] n. ant lineal descent traced through the male line • Etymology: 1945–50 … From formal English to slang
patrilineage — noun line of descent traced through the paternal side of the family • Syn: ↑agnation • Hypernyms: ↑unilateral descent … Useful english dictionary
Rajput clans — The Rajputs are a community of Hindus belonging to the Kshatriya or warrior varna. Apart from being an important factor in the social life of the rajputs themselves, their clan system is also of interest for certain other reasons: land tenure… … Wikipedia
Nuer people — The Nuer (also known as the Nei Ti Naath (roughly meaning original people) are a confederation of tribes located in South Sudan and western Ethiopia. Collectively, the Nuer form one of the largest ethnic groups in East Africa. They are a pastoral … Wikipedia
Temne people — ethnic group group=The Temne caption = Some notable Sierra Leoneans from the Temne ethnic group: Bai Bureh, Ernest Bai Koroma, Fatmata Turay, Ibrahim Kargbo, Mustapha Bangura, Mohamed Kamara, Umaru Bangura poptime=1,888,432 30% of Sierra Leone s… … Wikipedia
Casato — is the principle of kinship tie practiced in early modern Europe. Casato focuses on the vertical lineage passed on from fathers to sons. It is also known as the agnatic perspective. This is different from the opposing term parentado which… … Wikipedia