Смотреть что такое "patent-roll" в других словарях:
Patent Roll — noun historical (in the UK) a parchment roll listing the patents issued in a particular year … English new terms dictionary
patent — n., adj., & v. n. 1 a government authority to an individual or organization conferring a right or title, esp. the sole right to make or use or sell some invention. 2 a document granting this authority. 3 an invention or process protected by it.… … Useful english dictionary
Piano roll blues — The Piano Roll Blues or Old Piano Roll Blues is a figure of speech designating a legal argument (or the response to that argument) made in US patent law relating to computer software. The argument is that a newly programmed general purpose… … Wikipedia
List of patent claim types — This is a list of special types of claims that may be found in a patent or patent application. For explanations about independent and dependent claims and about the different categories of claims, i.e. product or apparatus claims (claims… … Wikipedia
System Von Roll — Zahnradbahn auf dem Schafberg Gleis der Furka–Oberalp Bahn, mit zweilamelliger Abtzahnstange auf Y Stahlschwellen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Toilet roll holder — A toilet roll holder, also known as a toilet paper dispenser, is an item that holds a roll of toilet paper. There are at least five types of holders: # A horizontal piece of wire mounted on a hinge, hanging from a door or wall. # A horizontal… … Wikipedia
Piano roll — A piano roll is the music storage medium used to operate the player piano, pianola or a reproducing piano. The piano roll was the first medium which could be produced and copied industrially and made it possible to provide the customer fast and… … Wikipedia
Piano Roll — Eine Notenrolle ist ein Medium, um ein mechanisches Musikinstrument mit Steuerinformationen zu versorgen. Es war auch das erste Medium, das einfach und billig mit wechselnder Musik hergestellt werden konnte. Im Gegensatz zu den vorher verwendeten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Blencogo — is a small farming village in Cumbria, England, UK, near Wigton on the Solway plain, in the Allerdale Borough Council area, off the B3502 Wigton to Silloth road.The village is a centre for the growing of osier willow for basketmaking and related… … Wikipedia
Lord High Steward of Ireland — The Lord High Steward of Ireland is a hereditary Great Officer of State in Ireland, sometimes known as the Hereditary Great Seneschal [In an inscription on a leaden coffin for the remains of Gilbert, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury (died May 1616), in the … Wikipedia
Chancery (medieval office) — Chancery is a general term for a medieval writing office, responsible for the production of official documents.[1] The title of chancellor, for the head of the office, came to be held by important ministers in a number of states, and remains the… … Wikipedia