patent form
Смотреть что такое "patent form" в других словарях:
Patent prosecution — describes the interaction between an applicant, or their representative, and a patent office with regard to a patent, or an application for a patent. Broadly, patent prosecution can be split into pre grant prosecution, which involves negotiation… … Wikipedia
patent — pat·ent 1 / pat ənt3 also pāt / adj [Anglo French, from Latin patent patens, from present participle of patēre to be open] 1 a: open to public inspection see also letters patent at letter 2 … Law dictionary
Patent ductus arteriosus — Classification and external resources Heart cross section with PDA ICD 10 Q … Wikipedia
patent claims — A patent specification must contain a drawing or a verbal description and claims describing the essential inventive elements comprising the invention. Their drafting must be precise and is a job for a patent agent they must be neither too broad… … Law dictionary
patent — (n.) late 14c., open letter or document from some authority, shortened form of Anglo Fr. lettre patent (also in M.L. (litteræ) patentes), lit. open letter (late 13c.), from O.Fr. patente (adj.), from L. patentum (nom. patens) open, lying open,… … Etymology dictionary
form — n 1 Form, figure, shape, conformation, configuration are comparable when they denote the disposition or arrangement of content that gives a particular aspect or appearance to a thing as distinguished from the substance of which that thing is made … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Patént [1] — Patént (v. lat. patens, offen, öffentlich), im allgemeinen ein offener Brief, durch den etwas beglaubigt wird; in der Kanzleisprache des Mittelalters (patentes litterae, auch patenta) und der neuern Zeit eine obrigkeitliche Bekanntmachung in… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Patent drawing — Patent law (patents for inventions) … Wikipedia
patent — patentable, adj. patentability, n. patentably, adv. patently, adv. /pat nt/ or, for 10, 12 15, /payt /; esp. Brit. /payt nt/, n. 1. the exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a certain … Universalium
Patent attorney — A patent attorney is an attorney who has the specialized qualifications necessary for representing clients in obtaining patents and acting in all matters and procedures relating to patent law and practice, such as filing an opposition. The term… … Wikipedia
Patent application — A patent application is a request pending at a patent office for the grant of a patent for the invention described and claimed by that application. An application consists of a description of the invention (the patent specification ), together… … Wikipedia