patch cord

patch cord

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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "patch cord" в других словарях:

  • Patch cord — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Patch Cord o cable de conexión intermedia se le llama al cable (UTP, F.O., etc) que se usa en una red para conectar un dispositivo electrónico con otro. Se producen en muchos colores para facilitar su identificación …   Wikipedia Español

  • patch cord — patch′ cord n. elm elo a short electrical cord with a plug at each end used to connect equipment or signal paths • Etymology: 1925–30 …   From formal English to slang

  • patch|cord — «PACH KRD», noun. an electrical cord with plugs or clips at both ends, used to connect different parts of a sound system, or two different systems. Patchcords are used to connect the terminals of a patchboard …   Useful english dictionary

  • patch cord — noun or patching cord : a wire with plugs at both ends that is used in communications patches * * * Teleph., Electronics. a short cord with a plug at each end, or a plug at one end and a pair of clips at the other, used for temporarily connecting …   Useful english dictionary

  • patch cord — Teleph., Electronics. a short cord with a plug at each end, or a plug at one end and a pair of clips at the other, used for temporarily connecting two pieces of equipment or signal paths. Also, patchcord. [1925 30] * * * …   Universalium

  • patch cord — (also patch lead) noun an insulated lead with a plug at each end, for use with a patchboard …   English new terms dictionary

  • patch cord — /ˈpætʃ kɔd/ (say pach kawd) noun an electrical wire with plugs at each end for making connections on a patch board …  

  • patch cord — noun Date: 1926 a wire with a plug at each end that is used to connect electrical devices …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • patch — patch1 [pach] n. [ME pacche, prob. var. of peche, a piece < OFr pieche, var. of pece, piece,PIECE] 1. a piece of material applied to cover or mend a hole or tear or to strengthen a weak spot 2. a dressing applied to a wound or sore 3. a pad or …   English World dictionary

  • Patch cable — A patch cable or patch cord (sometimes patchcable or patchcord) is an electrical or optical cable, used to connect ( patch in ) one electronic or optical device to another for routing. Devices of different types (ie: a switch connected to a… …   Wikipedia

  • patch — n. & v. n. 1 a piece of material or metal etc. used to mend a hole or as reinforcement. 2 a pad worn to protect an injured eye. 3 a dressing etc. put over a wound. 4 a large or irregular distinguishable area on a surface. 5 colloq. a period of… …   Useful english dictionary

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