Смотреть что такое "pasty-faced" в других словарях:
pasty-faced — [ˈpeısti feıst] adj having a very pale face that looks unhealthy … Dictionary of contemporary English
pasty-faced — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: pasty (II) : having a chalky unwholesome appearance suggestive of lack of exercise or fresh air the pasty faced indoor cop leading me to jail Gilbert Millstein * * * /pay stee fayst /, adj. having a pale,… … Useful english dictionary
pasty-faced — /pay stee fayst /, adj. having a pale, unhealthy, sallow complexion: an awkward, pasty faced youth. [1600 10] * * * … Universalium
pasty-faced — past|y faced [ ,peısti feıst ] adjective looking pale and not very healthy … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pasty-faced — adjective having a very pale face that looks unhealthy … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
pasty-faced — /ˈpeɪsti feɪst/ (say paystee fayst) adjective with a pale, paste like complexion …
pasty — pasties (The adjective is pronounced [[t]pe͟ɪsti[/t]]. The noun is pronounced [[t]pæ̱sti[/t]].) 1) ADJ GRADED If you are pasty or if you have a pasty face, you look pale and unhealthy. My complexion remained pale and pasty... Ron Freeman appeared … English dictionary
pasty — 1. adjective /ˈpeɪsti/ a) Like paste, sticky. These mashed potatoes aren’t cooked well, they are very pasty. b) pale, lacking colour He is pasty faced. 2. noun … Wiktionary
pasty — 1. n. (pl. ies) a pastry case with a sweet or savoury filling, baked without a dish to shape it. Etymology: ME f. OF pasteacute ult. f. LL pasta PASTE 2. adj. (pastier, pastiest) 1 of or like or covered with paste. 2 unhealthily pale (esp. in… … Useful english dictionary
pasty — Synonyms and related words: Danish pastry, French pastry, achromatic, achromic, adhesive, amylaceous, anemic, ashen, ashy, baccate, baklava, bled white, blintz, bloodless, cadaverous, chloranemic, chocolate eclair, clabbered, clammy, clayey,… … Moby Thesaurus
pasty — adj 1. doughy; sticky, gluey, gluelike, glutinous; gummy, gumbo, mucilaginous; viscous, viscid. 2. pale, pallid, wan, sallow, tallow, waxen; anemic, sickly, pale faced, tallow faced, whey faced … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder