pasturage — Pasturage. s. m. v. Lieu où les bestiaux pasturent. Bons pasturages. gras pasturages. on n y sçauroit faire de nourriture, il n y a point de pasturages. Il signifie aussi l usage du pasturage. Qui vous a donné droit de pasturage sur mes terres?… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Pasturage — Pas tur*age, n. [OF. pasturage, F. p[^a]turage. See {Pasture}.] 1. Grazing ground; grass land used for pasturing; pasture. [1913 Webster] 2. Grass growing for feed; grazing. [1913 Webster] 3. The business of feeding or grazing cattle. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pasturage — in Scots property law, the servitude right to feed cattle or sheep on the land of another. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary
pasturage — ► NOUN 1) land used for pasture. 2) the pasturing of animals … English terms dictionary
pasturage — [pas′chərij, pas′tyərij] n. [OFr: see PASTURE & AGE] 1. PASTURE 2. the pasturing of cattle … English World dictionary
pasturage — I. Pasturage, m. penac. Combien que ce soit un mot general pour toute pasture, dequoy les bestes sont peuës aux champs de pic, broust, ou mangeure, Pastio, Pastus, Pascuum. Si est ce qu il est restrainct és traictez de plusieurs coustumes, au… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
pasturage — ganymas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Žolėdžių gyvulių (seniau ir paukščių) laikymas ganykloje. Skiriamas aptvarinis, laisvasis ir rištinis ganymas. atitikmenys: angl. pasturage; pasture vok. Beweidung, f rus. выгон, m;… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
pasturage — noun Date: circa 1533 pasture … New Collegiate Dictionary
pasturage — /pas cheuhr ij, pahs /, n. 1. pasture. 2. the activity or business of pasturing livestock. [1525 35; PASTURE + AGE] * * * … Universalium
pasturage — noun a) A pasture; land that is used for pasture. b) The grass or other vegetation eaten by livestock and found in a pasture … Wiktionary
pasturage — Synonyms and related words: barley, bird seed, bran, campo, cat food, chicken feed, chop, corn, dog food, eatage, ensilage, feed, fodder, forage, grain, grass, grass veld, grassland, grazing, haugh, haughland, hay, lea, llano, mash, mead, meadow … Moby Thesaurus