Смотреть что такое "pastrami" в других словарях:
Pastrami — Sandwich Pastrami Sandwich bei Katz s Deli i … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pastrami — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Lonchas de Pastrami … Wikipedia Español
pastrami — n. m. CUIS Viande de boeuf marinée, cuite et légèrement fumée, servie en tranches minces, partic. appréciée au Québec … Encyclopédie Universelle
păstrămi — păstrămí, păstrămésc, vb. IV (reg.) 1. a face pastramă, a transforma carnea în pastramă. 2. (refl., fig.) a slăbi tare, a rămâne numai piele şi os. Trimis de blaurb, 05.09.2006. Sursa: DAR … Dicționar Român
pastrami — (n.) 1940, from Yiddish pastrame, from Rumanian pastrama, probably from Turk. pastrima, variant of basdirma dried meat, from root *bas to press. The other possible origin of the Rumanian word is Mod.Gk. pastono I salt, from classical Gk. pastos… … Etymology dictionary
pastrami — ► NOUN ▪ highly seasoned smoked beef. ORIGIN Yiddish … English terms dictionary
pastrami — [pə strä′mē] n. [E Yiddish pastrame < Pol bastramy, dried meat, ult. < Turk basdyrma] highly spiced smoked beef, esp. from a shoulder cut … English World dictionary
Pastrami — Slices of pastrami Pastrami (Romanian: pastramă, Yiddish: פּאַסטראָמע pastróme), is a popular delicatessen meat usually made from beef and, traditionally in Romania, also from pork and mutton. In Israel, Pastrama is the term used for sliced… … Wikipedia
Pastrami — Sandwich de pastrami Le pastrami est une préparation de viande de bœuf. Le morceau utilisé est le gros bout de poitrine. La préparation consiste à tremper ce morceau dans de la saumure, puis à le fumer, éventuellement après l avoir farci de… … Wikipédia en Français
pastrami — [[t]pæstrɑ͟ːmi[/t]] N UNCOUNT Pastrami is strongly seasoned smoked beef … English dictionary
pastrami — also pastromi noun Etymology: Yiddish pastrame, from Romanian pastramă pressed and cured meat Date: 1925 a highly seasoned smoked beef prepared especially from shoulder cuts … New Collegiate Dictionary