Смотреть что такое "pasteurism" в других словарях:
Pasteurism — Pas*teur ism, n. [Fr. Pasteur, a French scientist.] 1. A method of treatment, devised by Pasteur, for preventing certain diseases, as hydrophobia, by successive inoculations with an attenuated virus of gradually increasing strength. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pasteurism — [pas′tər iz΄əm] n. the theories or methods of Louis Pasteur; specif., a) PASTEURIZATION b) the Pasteur treatment for rabies * * * … Universalium
pasteurism — [pas′tər iz΄əm] n. the theories or methods of Louis Pasteur; specif., a) PASTEURIZATION b) the Pasteur treatment for rabies … English World dictionary
pasteurism — /ˈpastʃərɪzəm/ (say pahschuhrizuhm) noun 1. a treatment devised by Pasteur for preventing certain diseases, especially hydrophobia, by inoculations with virus of gradually increasing strength. 2. the act or process of pasteurising milk, etc.… …
pasteurism — pasˈteurism noun Pasteur s method of inoculation with the attenuated virus of certain diseases, esp hydrophobia • • • Main Entry: ↑Pasteurian … Useful english dictionary
Pasteurize — Pas*teur ize, v. t. 1. To subject to pasteurization. [1913 Webster] 2. To treat by pasteurism. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pasteur — The French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur (1822 1895) invented pasteurization, developed the germ theory, founded the field of bacteriology and created the first vaccines against anthrax and rabies. Pasteur s impact upon medicine was so… … Medical dictionary
Pasteurization — A method of treating food by heating it to a certain point to kill pathogenic (disease causing) organisms but not harm the flavor or quality of the food. Pasteurization is used with beer, milk, fruit juices, cheese and egg products. Named for the … Medical dictionary
pasteurise — /ˈpastʃəraɪz / (say pahschuhruyz) verb (t) (pasteurised, pasteurising) 1. to swiftly heat (milk, etc.) to a high temperature and then swiftly cool to a low temperature, in order to destroy certain microorganisms and prevent or arrest fermentation …