Смотреть что такое "pasteup" в других словарях:
pasteup — In graphic design, two dimensional artwork that is produced so that printed versions can be produced. A pasteup is typically a composition of type elements, illustrations, etc., that is camera ready when in its final form. Although a physical… … Glossary of Art Terms
pasteup — noun Date: circa 1930 mechanical; also the process of making mechanicals … New Collegiate Dictionary
pasteup — paste|up [ peıstʌp ] noun count sheets of paper with words or pictures pasted on them. Pasteups are used to design covers and pages for magazines and books … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pasteup — pupates … Anagrams dictionary
Line cut-out-pasteup correction — Правка фотонабора способом вырубки … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
pupates — pasteup … Anagrams dictionary
Presentation program — A slide created by the first presentation graphics company, VCN ExecuVision, in 1982. A presentation program (also called a presentation graphics program) is a computer software package used to display information, normally in the form of a slide … Wikipedia
Diagramación — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La diagramación, también llamada maquetación, es un oficio del Diseño editorial que se encarga de organizar en un espacio, contenidos escritos, visuales y en algunos casos audiovisuales (multimedia) en medios… … Wikipedia Español
Maquetación (edición) — Para otros usos de este término, véase maquetación. Ejemplo de una publicación (en formato PDF). En ella se incorporan tanto imágenes como texto. La maquetación, también llamada a veces diagramación, es un oficio del diseño editorial que se… … Wikipedia Español
camera-ready — In graphic design, two dimensional artwork that is ready be given to a person who will photograph it so that printed versions can be produced. Although a physical image or piece of copy is still sometimes produced, and is employed in this… … Glossary of Art Terms
conflation — A fusion or combination of elements into a composite whole. Also see assemblage, collage, composition, construction, montage, pasteup, and pastiche … Glossary of Art Terms