past perfect

past perfect
прошедшее совершенное время прошедшее совершенное, перфектное время

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "past perfect" в других словарях:

  • Past Perfect — („vollendete Vergangenheit“) steht für: Past Perfect Simple, Zeitform der Verben in der englischen Sprache (Vorvergangenheitsform) Past Perfect Progressive, Zeitform der Verben in der englischen Sprache (Verlaufsform der Vorvergangenheit) Past… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • past perfect — n [singular] technical the form of a verb that shows that the action described by the verb was completed before a particular time in the past, formed in English with had and a past participle >past perfect adj …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • past perfect — past′ per′fect adj. 1) gram. pertaining to or being a verb tense or form indicating that the action or state expressed by the verb was completed prior to a point of reference in the past or that it extended up to or had results continuing up to… …   From formal English to slang

  • past perfect — noun singular LINGUISTICS a verb tense formed with had and a past participle. It is used to express an action that was completed before a particular time in the past, for example had finished in the sentence She offered to help but I had already… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • past perfect — n. 1. a tense indicating an action as completed or a state as having ended before a specified or implied time in the past; pluperfect 2. a verb form in this tense (Ex.: had gone) …   English World dictionary

  • past perfect — noun a perfective tense used to express action completed in the past I had finished is an example of the past perfect • Syn: ↑past perfect tense, ↑pluperfect, ↑pluperfect tense • Hypernyms: ↑perfective, ↑perfective tense, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • past perfect — ADJ: ADJ n In grammar, the past perfect tenses of a verb are the ones used to talk about things that happened before a specific time. The simple past perfect tense uses had and the past participle of the verb, as in She had seen him before . It… …   English dictionary

  • past perfect — noun (singular) technical the form of a verb that shows that the action described by the verb was completed before a particular time in the past, formed in English with had and a past participle past perfect adjective …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • past perfect — adjective Date: 1889 of, relating to, or constituting a verb tense that is traditionally formed in English with had and denotes an action or state as completed at or before a past time spoken of • past perfect noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Past Perfect Future Tense — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Past Perfect Future Tense Álbum de Magne Furuholmen Publicación 20 de septiembre de 2004 Género(s) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Past Perfect (Sof Davar) — Past Perfect is a 1984 novel originally written in Hebrew by Israeli novelist Yaakov Shabtai. The original title, Sof Davar (Hebrew:סוף דבר) can be translated literally as The End Result or Epilogue . Shabtai died in 1981, before completing a… …   Wikipedia

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