passive attack

passive attack
пассивная атака (попытка взлома защиты без изменения данных)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "passive attack" в других словарях:

  • Passive attack — A passive attack on a cryptosystem is one in which the cryptanalyst cannot interact with any of the parties involved, attempting to break the system solely based upon observed data (i.e. the ciphertext). This can also include known plaintext… …   Wikipedia

  • CBU-107 Passive Attack Weapon — The CBU 107 Passive Attack Weapon is an air dropped guided bomb containing 3,750 non explosive steel and tungsten penetrator rods of various sizes. It was designed to attack targets where an explosive effect may be undesirable, such as fuel… …   Wikipedia

  • Passive smoking — is the involuntary inhalation of smoke from tobacco products. It occurs when tobacco smoke permeates any environment, causing its inhalation by all people within that environment. Such smoke is called secondhand smoke (SHS) or environmental… …   Wikipedia

  • Passive Entry — Keyless Go beschreibt das automatische System, ein Fahrzeug ohne aktive Benutzung eines Autoschlüssel (also „keyless“, zu deutsch „schlüssellos“) zu entriegeln und durch das bloße betätigen des Startknopfes zu starten. Ermöglicht wird dies durch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • passive — 01. He had a [passive] expression on his face, but I knew that he was extremely excited. 02. He is a very [passive] worker who doesn t really offer any new ideas. 03. The officer looked on [passively] as the soldiers raped the women of the… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • passive — /ˈpæsɪv / (say pasiv), / səv/ (say suhv) adjective 1. not acting, or not attended with or manifested in open or positive action: passive resistance. 2. inactive, quiescent, or inert. 3. suffering action, acted upon, or being the object of action …  

  • passive defense — noun : a defense designed solely to resist in place or minimize the effects of an attack against a specified area, position, or front * * * passive defense, military or civil defense designed to cope with the effects of an attack, such as bomb… …   Useful english dictionary

  • passive relocking device —   n.    a device that places its bolts only upon attack to the safe or lock …   Locksmith dictionary

  • Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition — or (M2/M3/M4 SLAM) is a small United States multi purpose landmine. It has a passive infrared sensor, and a magnetic influence sensor which allow it to be used as a demolition munition, off route mine or full width belly attack mine.OverviewThe… …   Wikipedia

  • Panic attack — Infobox Disease Name = Panic attack Caption = DiseasesDB = 30913 ICD10 = ICD10|F|41|0|f|40 ICD9 = ICD9|300.01 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = D016584Panic attacks are sudden, discrete periods of intense… …   Wikipedia

  • Timing attack — In cryptography, a timing attack is a side channel attack in which the attacker attempts to compromise a cryptosystem by analyzing the time taken to execute cryptographic algorithms. The attack exploits the fact that every operation in a computer …   Wikipedia

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