Смотреть что такое "passivate" в других словарях:
passivate — [pas′ə vāt΄] vt. passivated, passivating [ PASSIVE + ATE1] Metallurgy to treat (a metal) so as to form a protective coating on its surface and reduce its chemical activity passivation n. passivator n … English World dictionary
passivate — transitive verb ( ated; ating) Date: 1913 1. to make inactive or less reactive < passivate the surface of steel by chemical treatment > 2. to protect (as a solid state device) against contamination by coating or surface treatment • passivation… … New Collegiate Dictionary
passivate — pasyvinti statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Daryti pasyvų. atitikmenys: angl. passivate rus. пассивировать … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
passivate — /pas euh vayt /, v.t., passivated, passivating. Metall. to treat (a metal) to render the surface less reactive chemically. [1910 15; PASSIVE + ATE1] * * * … Universalium
passivate — verb to reduce the chemical reactivity of a surface by applying a coating Ant: activate … Wiktionary
passivate — pas·si·vate (pasґĭ vāt) to make the surface of a chemically reactive metal (base metal) less reactive by forming a stable surface reaction compound, usually a metallic oxide … Medical dictionary
passivate — pas·si·vate || pæsɪveɪt v. (Metallurgy) cause a metal to be less chemically reactive … English contemporary dictionary
passivate — [ pasɪveɪt] verb [usu. as adjective passivated] make (a metal or other substance) unreactive by coating or otherwise altering its surface. Derivatives passivation noun … English new terms dictionary
passivate — pas·si·vate … English syllables
passivate — pas•si•vate [[t]ˈpæs əˌveɪt[/t]] v. t. vat•ed, vat•ing mel to treat (a metal) to render the surface less reactive chemically • Etymology: 1910–15 … From formal English to slang
passivate — /ˈpæsəveɪt/ (say pasuhvayt) verb (t) (passivated, passivating) (in electronics) to make passive …