passing over
Смотреть что такое "passing over" в других словарях:
passing over — index omission Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
passing over — skipping, omitting … English contemporary dictionary
Rip Passing Over the Mountain — est un film américain muet et en noir et blanc sorti en 1896. Portail du cinéma américain Catégories : Film sorti en 1896Film muetFilm en n … Wikipédia en Français
over- — [ō′vər] combining form 1. a) above in position, over, outer, upper [overhead] b) superior, eminent [overlord] 2. a) passing across or beyond [overshoot, overpass, overrun] b) … English World dictionary
Passing (racial identity) — Examples US civil rights leader Walter Francis White (who was blond haired, blue eyed, and very pale skinned), the chief executive of the NAACP from 1929 until his death in 1955, was of mixed race and mostly white ancestry. Five of his great… … Wikipedia
passing — Synonyms and related words: abandonment, abrupt, accidental, accompanying, act, ado, advance, advancement, afloat, afoot, aggrandizement, ambulant, ambulative, ambulatory, annihilation, ascending, axial, back, back flowing, backward, bane,… … Moby Thesaurus
Passing Fancy — Directed by Yasujirō Ozu Produced by Shochiku Kinema Written by Yasujirō Ozu (alias James Maki) (story) Tadao Ikeda (screenplay) … Wikipedia
passing — [pas′iŋ] adj. [ME] 1. going by, beyond, past, over, or through 2. lasting only a short time; short lived; fleeting; momentary 3. casual; cursory; incidental [a passing remark] 4. satisfying given requirements or standards [a passing grade] 5 … English World dictionary
Over — O ver ([=o] v[ e]r), prep. [AS. ofer; akin to D. over, G. [ u]ber, OHG. ubir, ubar, Dan. over, Sw. [ o]fver, Icel. yfir, Goth. ufar, L. super, Gr. ype r, Skr. upari. [root]199. Cf. {Above}, {Eaves}, {Hyper }, {Orlop}, {Super }, {Sovereign},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Over all — Over O ver ([=o] v[ e]r), prep. [AS. ofer; akin to D. over, G. [ u]ber, OHG. ubir, ubar, Dan. over, Sw. [ o]fver, Icel. yfir, Goth. ufar, L. super, Gr. ype r, Skr. upari. [root]199. Cf. {Above}, {Eaves}, {Hyper }, {Orlop}, {Super }, {Sovereign},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Over head and ears — Over O ver ([=o] v[ e]r), prep. [AS. ofer; akin to D. over, G. [ u]ber, OHG. ubir, ubar, Dan. over, Sw. [ o]fver, Icel. yfir, Goth. ufar, L. super, Gr. ype r, Skr. upari. [root]199. Cf. {Above}, {Eaves}, {Hyper }, {Orlop}, {Super }, {Sovereign},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English