passenger fare

passenger fare
плата за проезд плата за проезд

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "passenger fare" в других словарях:

  • fare — [feə ǁ fer] noun [countable] TRAVEL the price paid to travel by plane, train etc: • With cheaper air fares, travelers have more vacation choices. • South Yorkshire s low bus fares are persuading drivers to leave their cars at home. • Children… …   Financial and business terms

  • passenger — any person carried on a ship except: (a) persons employed on the ship; (b) persons on board in pursuance of the obligation laid upon the master to carry shipwrecked, distressed or other persons; and (c) children under the age of one year:… …   Law dictionary

  • fare — [fer] vi. fared, faring [ME faren < OE faran, to go, wander, akin to Ger fahren & Du raren < IE base * per , to come over, transport > L portare, to carry, Gr peran, to pass over, peira, a trial, poros, a way] 1. Old Poet. to travel; go… …   English World dictionary

  • passenger — [n] person who rides in vehicle conducted by another commuter, customer, excursionist, fare*, hitchhiker, patron, pilgrim, rider, tourist, traveler, voyager, wanderer, wayfarer; concept 423 Ant. driver …   New thesaurus

  • fare — I noun carfare, charge, charge for carriage of passengers, charge for conveyance of a person, cost of commutation, cost of conveyance, cost of transportation, expense, expense of transportation, fee, hire, money paid for passage, naulum, passage …   Law dictionary

  • fare — ► NOUN 1) the money a passenger on public transport has to pay. 2) a range of food. ► VERB 1) perform in a specified way in a particular situation or period. 2) archaic travel. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • Passenger rail transport in China — This article is about passenger rail transportation in mainland China. For rail transportation in Hong Kong, see Rail transport in Hong Kong. For rail transportation in Taiwan, see Rail transport in Taiwan. Passenger trains in Shanghai Passenger… …   Wikipedia

  • fare — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 money paid to travel by bus, taxi, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ expensive, high ▪ cheap, low ▪ adult (esp. BrE), full, normal …   Collocations dictionary

  • fare — The price for the transportation of a passenger by a carrier. 14 Am J2d Car § 781. A passenger in a taxicab or other vehicle of a carrier. According to one view, a fare is a payment made when the right of carriage is claimed, so that the purchase …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • fare — n. & v. n. 1 a the price a passenger has to pay to be conveyed by bus, train, etc. b a passenger paying to travel in a public vehicle. 2 a range of food provided by a restaurant etc. v.intr. literary 1 progress; get on (how did you fare?). 2… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Passenger Name Record — Otheruses4|the travel industry term|other uses|PNR (disambiguation)In the travel industry, a Passenger Name Record (PNR) is a record in the database of a Computer Reservation System (CRS) that contains the travel record for a passenger, or a… …   Wikipedia

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