Смотреть что такое "passel" в других словарях:
Passel — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Passel País … Wikipedia Español
Passel — is a village and commune in the Oise département of northern also*Communes of the Oise department … Wikipedia
passel — (n.) 1835, dialectal variant of PARCEL (Cf. parcel) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
passel — [pas′əl] n. [altered < PARCEL] [Informal or Dial.] a group or collection, esp. a fairly large one … English World dictionary
Passel — 49° 33′ 27″ N 2° 57′ 47″ E / 49.5575, 2.9631 … Wikipédia en Français
passel — pas|sel [ˈpæsəl] n [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: parcel] AmE old fashioned a group of people or things passel of ▪ a whole passel of kids … Dictionary of contemporary English
passel — noun (often followed by of ) a large number or amount or extent a batch of letters a deal of trouble a lot of money he made a mint on the stock market see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos it must have cost plenty a slew of… … Useful english dictionary
passel — /pas euhl/, n. a group or lot of indeterminate number: a passel of dignitaries. [1825 35; alter. of PARCEL] * * * … Universalium
passel — [ pas(ə)l] noun US informal a large group: a passel of journalists. Origin C19: representing a pronunciation of parcel … English new terms dictionary
passel — noun (countable + of) AmE old fashioned a group of people or things: a whole passel of kids … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
passel — pas•sel [[t]ˈpæs əl[/t]] n. a group or lot of indeterminate number: a passel of kids[/ex] • Etymology: 1825–35; var. of parcel; see cuss … From formal English to slang