pass off

pass off

1) постепенно прекращаться, проходить (об ощущениях и т. п.) The pain was severe to begin with, but soon passed off. ≈ Сначала боль была очень тяжелая, но скоро исчезла.
2) пронестись, пройти (о дожде, буре) The storm should pass off before dark. ≈ Шторм должен закончиться до темноты.
3) хорошо пройти (о мероприятии, событии) The meeting passed off well. ≈ Собрание прошло хорошо.
4) сбывать, подсовывать (for, as - за кого-л.) he passed himself off as a doctor ≈ он выдавал себя за доктора The police caught him for passing off false money. ≈ Полиция арестовала его за сбыт фальшивых денег.
5) отвлекать внимание от чего-л.
6) оставлять без внимания, пропускать мимо ушей He passed off the difficult question. ≈ Трудный вопрос он пропустил.
7) разг. сдать (экзамен) исчезать;
уменьшаться - the pain has not passed off yet боль еще не прошла - the novelty will soon * новизна скоро пройдет - its effects will * after eight or ten hours его воздействие прекратится через восемь-десять часов пронестись, пройти - the storm has passed off буря кончилась, шторм прекратился пройти - the lecture passed off well лекция прошла хорошо - the talks have passed off smoothly переговоры прошли гладко сбывать, подсовывать - he was trying to * his wares as excellent он пытался выдавать свои товары за первосортные - it was passed off as a joke это было подано как шутка выдавать себя (за кого-либо) - he passed himself off as a sailor он выдавал себя за моряка оставлять без внимания, не замечать - his rude remark was passed off by the host хозяин оставил его грубое замечание без внимания отвлекать внимание от чего-либо - he attempted to pass it off with a joke он попытался шуткой отвлечь от этого внимание

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pass off" в других словарях:

  • pass off — vt 1: to make public or offer for sale (goods or services) with intent to deceive: palm off passing his product off as that of the plaintiff s W. L. Prosser and W. P. Keeton see also …   Law dictionary

  • pass off — [v] give because one does not want it eject, foist, make a pretense of*, palm, palm off*, send forth, work off; concept 108 Ant. keep, maintain …   New thesaurus

  • pass off — ► pass off 1) happen or be carried through in a specified (usually satisfactory) way. 2) evade or lightly dismiss (an awkward remark). Main Entry: ↑pass …   English terms dictionary

  • pass off as — ► pass off as falsely represent (something) as. Main Entry: ↑pass …   English terms dictionary

  • pass off — verb 1. be accepted as something or somebody in a false character or identity (Freq. 1) She passed off as a Russian agent • Hypernyms: ↑look, ↑appear, ↑seem • Verb Frames: Something is ing PP …   Useful english dictionary

  • pass off — phrasal verb Word forms pass off : present tense I/you/we/they pass off he/she/it passes off present participle passing off past tense passed off past participle passed off 1) pass someone/something off as something [transitive] to make people… …   English dictionary

  • pass off — v. (d; refl., tr.) to pass off as (he passed himself off as a doctor) * * * [ pɑːs ɒf] (d;refl.,tr.) to pass offas (he pass offed himself off as a doctor) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • pass off as — PHRASAL VERB If you pass something off as another thing, you convince people that it is that other thing. [V n P P n] He passed himself off as a senior psychologist... [V P n (not pron) P n] I ve tried to pass off my accent as a convent school… …   English dictionary

  • pass off — /ˌpɑ:s ɒf/ verb ♦ to pass something off as something else to pretend that something is another thing in order to cheat a customer ● She tried to pass off the wine as French, when in fact it came from outside the EU …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • pass off — /ˌpɑ:s ɒf/ verb ♦ to pass something off as something else to pretend that something is another thing in order to cheat a customer ● She tried to pass off the wine as French, when in fact it came from outside the EU …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • pass off — verb a) To happen. The millennium passed off without any disasters. b) To misrepresent something. He tried to pass off the imitation Rolex as genuine …   Wiktionary

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