partitive genitive

partitive genitive
линг. родительный разделительный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "partitive genitive" в других словарях:

  • partitive genitive — noun Grammar a genitive used to indicate a whole divided into or regarded in parts, expressed in English by of as in most of us …   English new terms dictionary

  • partitive genitive — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Partitive — Par ti*tive, a. [Cf. F. partitif.] (Gram.) Denoting a part; as, a partitive genitive. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • partitive — adj. & n. Gram. adj. (of a word, form, etc.) denoting part of a collective group or quantity. n. a partitive word (e.g. some, any) or form. Phrases and idioms: partitive genitive a genitive used to indicate a whole divided into or regarded in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • partitive — adjective Date: 14th century 1. serving to part or divide into parts 2. a. of, relating to, or denoting a part < a partitive construction > b. serving to indicate the whole of which a part is specified < partitive genitive > • partitively adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • partitive — partitively, adv. /pahr ti tiv/, adj. 1. serving to divide into parts. 2. Gram. noting part of a whole: the Latin partitive genitive. n. 3. Gram. a partitive word or formation, as of the men in half of the men. [1510 20; < ML partitivus divisive …   Universalium

  • partitive — /ˈpatətɪv/ (say pahtuhtiv) adjective 1. serving to divide into parts. 2. Grammar denoting part of a whole: the Latin partitive genitive. –noun 3. Grammar a partitive word or formation, as of the men in half of the men. –partitively, adverb …  

  • genitive — [jen′i tiv] adj. [ME genitif < OFr < L ( casus) genitivus, lit., (case) of orig. < genitus (see GENITAL): mistransl. < Gr genikē, generic (case), (case) of genus < Gr genos, GENUS] Gram. designating, of, or in a relational case… …   English World dictionary

  • Genitive case — In grammar, the genitive case or possessive case (also called the second case ) is the case that marks a noun as modifying another noun. It often marks a noun as being the possessor of another noun but it can also indicate various relationships… …   Wikipedia

  • Partitive case — Note: partitive case has to be distinguished from partitive meaning which refers to the selection of a part or quantity out of a group or amount, see Partitive. The partitive case is a grammatical case which denotes partialness , without result …   Wikipedia

  • Partitive — The partitive can refer to several things: * Partitive case * partitive meaning of noun phrasesThe partitive refers to the selection of a part/quantity out of a group/amount. It is used for example in Estonian (the third case), in Latin, German… …   Wikipedia

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