
отдавать старую вещь (автомобиль и т. п.) в счет покупки новой

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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  • Part exchange — is a term that originated in the United Kingdom and refers to the swapping or bartering or exchange of goods or services. The exact definition for part exchange is the exchange of resources or services for mutual advantage and many believe this… …   Wikipedia

  • part exchange — Ⅰ. part exchange UK US (UK COMMERCE ► a way of buying a new object by giving your old one as part of the payment for it: in part exchange (for sth) »The store took my old lap top computer in part exchange for a later model. »Over 50% of house… …   Financial and business terms

  • part exchange — UK US noun [uncountable] british a method of buying something new such as a car by giving your old one as part of the payment for the new one in part exchange: They offered to take my old car in part exchange. Thesaurus: describing ways of buying …   Useful english dictionary

  • part-exchange — part exchangeˈ noun A transaction in which an article is handed over as part of the payment for another article (also transitive verb, adjective and adverb) • • • Main Entry: ↑part * * * ˌpart exˈchange [part exchange part exchanges part… …   Useful english dictionary

  • part-exchange — ˌpart exˈchange noun [countable, uncountable] COMMERCE a way of buying a new car, television etc in which you give the seller your old car etc as part of the payment, or a car etc given as part of the payment for something new; = trade in AmE: •… …   Financial and business terms

  • part exchange — part ex change n [U and C] BrE a way of buying a new car, television etc in which you give your old car, television etc as part of the payment American Equivalent: trade in ▪ The company takes the buyer s property in part exchange …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • part exchange — ► NOUN Brit. ▪ a transaction in which an article that one already owns is given as part of the payment for a more expensive one, with the balance in money …   English terms dictionary

  • part exchange — also part exchange N UNCOUNT: oft in N If you give an old item in part exchange for something you are buying, the seller accepts the old item as part of the payment, so you do not have to give them as much money. [BRIT] Electrical retailers will… …   English dictionary

  • part exchange — Brit. noun a method of buying something in which an article that one already owns is given as part of the payment for another, more expensive, article. verb (part exchange) give or take in part exchange …   English new terms dictionary

  • part exchange — UK / US noun [uncountable] British a method of buying something new such as a car by giving your old one as part of the payment for the new one in part exchange: They offered to take my old car in part exchange …   English dictionary

  • part exchange — /ˌpɑ:t ɪks tʃeɪndʒ/ noun the act of giving an old product as part of the payment for a new one ● to take a car in part exchange …   Marketing dictionary in english

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