Смотреть что такое "paroxytone" в других словарях:
paroxytone — [par äk′si tōn΄] adj. [ModL paroxytonus < Gr paroxytonos: see PARA 1 & OXYTONE] in Greek grammar, having an acute accent on the next to last syllable n. a paroxytone word … English World dictionary
Paroxytone — Par*ox y*tone, n. [Gr. ?, a. See {Para }, and {Oxytone}.] (Gr. Gram.) A word having an acute accent on the penultimate syllable. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Paroxytone — ( el. παροξύτονος, paroxýtonos ) is a linguistic term for a word with stress on the penultimate syllable, that is, the syllable before the last syllable, e.g , the English word canasta . In the Italian language the majority of the words are like… … Wikipedia
paroxytone — paroxytonic /par ok si ton ik, peuh rok /, adj. /peuh rok si tohn /, Class. Gk. Gram. adj. 1. having an acute accent on the next to the last syllable. n. 2. a paroxytone word. [1755 65; < NL paroxytonus < Gk paroxýtonos. See PAR , OXYTONE] * * * … Universalium
paroxytone — 1. adjective Having the stress or accent on the penultimate syllable. 2. noun A paroxytone word. See Also: barytone, oxytone, proparoxytone … Wiktionary
paroxytone — /pəˈrɒksətoʊn/ (say puh roksuhtohn) Ancient Greek Grammar –adjective 1. having an acute accent on the next to the last syllable. –noun 2. a paroxytone word. {Greek paroxytonos. See para 1, oxytone} …
paroxytone — См. parossìtono … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
paroxytone — [pə rɒksɪtəʊn] noun a word with an acute accent on the last syllable but one, especially in ancient Greek. Origin C18: from mod. L. paroxytonus (adjective), from Gk paroxutonos, from para alongside + oxutonos sharp pitch … English new terms dictionary
paroxytone — par·oxytone … English syllables
paroxytone — a.,n. (word) having acute accent on last syllable but one … Dictionary of difficult words
paroxytone — adj. & n. adj. (esp. in ancient Greek) having an acute accent on the last syllable but one. n. a word of this kind. Etymology: mod.L f. Gk paroxutonos (as PARA (1), OXYTONE) … Useful english dictionary