parole of honour
Смотреть что такое "parole of honour" в других словарях:
parole — pa·role /pə rōl/ n [Old French, speech, word, prisoner s word of honor to fulfill stated conditions, from Late Latin parabola speech, parable, from Greek parabolē comparison]: a conditional release of a prisoner who has served part of a sentence… … Law dictionary
parole — ► NOUN 1) the temporary or permanent release of a prisoner before the expiry of a sentence, on the promise of good behaviour. 2) historical a prisoner of war s word of honour not to escape or, if released, to act as a non belligerent. ► VERB ▪… … English terms dictionary
parole — parolable, adj. /peuh rohl /, n., v., paroled, paroling, adj. n. 1. Penol. a. the conditional release of a person from prison prior to the end of the maximum sentence imposed. b. such release or its duration. c. an official document authorizing… … Universalium
Parole — A prisoner s word of honour. Knights and magnates were expected to abide by their parole when captured and not try to escape. Under these terms a prisoner was allowed great freedom. It would not be chivalrous to break parole for that was breaking … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
parole — n. & v. n. 1 a the release of a prisoner temporarily for a special purpose or completely before the expiry of a sentence, on the promise of good behaviour. b such a promise. 2 a word of honour. put (a prisoner) on parole. Phrases and idioms … Useful english dictionary
parole — noun 1》 the temporary or permanent release of a prisoner before the expiry of a sentence, on the promise of good behaviour. 2》 historical a prisoner of war s word of honour to return to custody or act as a non belligerent if released. 3》… … English new terms dictionary
parole — /pəˈroʊl / (say puh rohl) noun 1. a. the liberation of a person from prison, conditional upon good behaviour, prior to the end of the maximum sentence imposed upon that person. b. the temporary release of a prisoner. c. such release or its… …
Blood & Honour Vlaanderen — Blood and Honour Vlaanderen Blood and Honour Vlaanderen est la version flamande de l organisation skinhead néonazie internationale Blood and Honour, apparue dans les années 1990 en Belgique. Des publications néonazies néerlandophones, comme… … Wikipédia en Français
Blood And Honour Vlaanderen — est la version flamande de l organisation skinhead néonazie internationale Blood and Honour, apparue dans les années 1990 en Belgique. Des publications néonazies néerlandophones, comme francophones (par exemple Bec et ongles, alors éditée par un… … Wikipédia en Français
Blood and honour vlaanderen — est la version flamande de l organisation skinhead néonazie internationale Blood and Honour, apparue dans les années 1990 en Belgique. Des publications néonazies néerlandophones, comme francophones (par exemple Bec et ongles, alors éditée par un… … Wikipédia en Français
Blood and Honour Vlaanderen — est la version flamande de l organisation skinhead néonazie internationale Blood and Honour, apparue dans les années 1990 en Belgique. Des publications néonazies néerlandophones, comme francophones (par exemple Bec et ongles, alors éditée par un… … Wikipédia en Français