parochial school
Смотреть что такое "parochial school" в других словарях:
parochial school — ☆ parochial school n. a school supported and controlled by a church … English World dictionary
Parochial school — A parochial school is a school that provides religious education in addition to conventional education. In a narrower sense, a parochial school is a Christian grammar school or high school which is part of, and run by, a parish.[1] Contents 1… … Wikipedia
parochial school — noun a private religious school run by a church or parish • Syn: ↑church school • Hypernyms: ↑religious school • Hyponyms: ↑Catholic school * * * noun, pl ⋯ schools [count] US : a private school that is run by a church parish … Useful english dictionary
parochial school — a primary or secondary private school supervised by a religious organization, esp. a Roman Catholic day school affiliated with a parish or a holy order. Cf. church school. [1745 55] * * * … Universalium
parochial school — pa rochial .school n AmE a private school which is run by or connected with a church … Dictionary of contemporary English
parochial school — pa rochial ,school noun count AMERICAN a school connected with a particular church that usually provides religious education as well as general education … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
parochial school — paro′chial school n. edu a primary or secondary school maintained by a religious organization • Etymology: 1745–55 … From formal English to slang
parochial school — A school maintained by a church or religious body, coupling religious instruction with instruction as given in the public schools. Yanow v Seven Oaks Park, Inc. 11 NJ 341, 94 A2d 482, 36 ALR2d 639. See sectarian school … Ballentine's law dictionary
parochial school — noun Date: 1755 a private school maintained by a religious body usually for elementary and secondary instruction … New Collegiate Dictionary
parochial school — noun A school associated with the parish of a church … Wiktionary
parochial school — noun North American term for church school … English new terms dictionary