parliamentary law
Смотреть что такое "parliamentary law" в других словарях:
parliamentary law — n: the rules and precedents governing the proceedings of deliberative assemblies and other organizations Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. parliamentary law … Law dictionary
parliamentary law — {n.} The rules for legislative or other meetings. * /The club followed parliamentary law at the business meeting./ … Dictionary of American idioms
parliamentary law — {n.} The rules for legislative or other meetings. * /The club followed parliamentary law at the business meeting./ … Dictionary of American idioms
parliamentary\ law — noun the rules for legislative or other meetings. The club followed parliamentary law at the business meeting … Словарь американских идиом
parliamentary law — noun a body of rules followed by an assembly • Syn: ↑order, ↑rules of order, ↑parliamentary procedure • Members of this Topic: ↑proposer, ↑mover • Hypernyms: ↑rule, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
parliamentary law — The body of law which governs the conduct of the meeting of a legislative body. Such rules are quite different from constitutional provisions which the people have set up as defining and limiting the powers and duties of the legislature. The… … Ballentine's law dictionary
parliamentary law — par′liamen′tary law′ n. gov the body of rules, usages, and precedents governing the proceedings of legislative and deliberative assemblies … From formal English to slang
parliamentary — par·lia·men·ta·ry /ˌpär lə men tə rē, ˌpärl yə / adj 1 a: of or relating to a parliament b: enacted, done, or ratified by a parliament 2: of, based on, or having the characteristics of parliamentary government 3: of or relating to the members of… … Law dictionary
parliamentary law — noun Date: 1869 the rules and precedents governing the proceedings of deliberative assemblies and other organizations … New Collegiate Dictionary
parliamentary law — the body of rules, usages, and precedents that governs proceedings of legislative and deliberative assemblies. [1905 10] * * * … Universalium
Demeter's Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure — Demeter s Manual Demeter s Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure, by George Demeter, is a parliamentary authority manual. It is included in the bank of study materials used in preparing for the Certified Parliamentarian (CP) designation… … Wikipedia