- parking stand
- место кратковременной стоянки (воздушных судов)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
stand — [stand] vi. stood, standing [ME standen < OE standan; akin to MDu standen, Goth standan < IE base * stā , to stand, be placed > L stare, to stand, Gr histanai, to set, cause to stand] 1. a) to be or remain in a generally upright position … English World dictionary
Stand-by — est un film français réalisé par Roch Stéphanik, sorti en 2000. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Autour du film … Wikipédia en Français
Parking meter — A traditional style parking meter A parking meter is a device used to collect money in exchange for the right to park a vehicle in a particular place for a limited amount of time. Parking meters can be used by municipalities as a tool for… … Wikipedia
Parking — [ Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.] Parking is the act of stopping a vehicle and leaving it unoccupied for more than a brief time. It is against the law virtually everywhere to park a vehicle in the middle of a highway or… … Wikipedia
Parking space — A parking space is a location that is designated for parking. This can be in a parking garage or in a parking lot or on a city street. It is usually designated by a white paint on tar rectangle. The automobile fits inside the space, either by… … Wikipedia
stand — 1 verb past tense and past participle stood /stUd/ BE UPRIGHT 1 (I) to support yourself on your feet in an upright position: It looks like we ll have to stand there are no seats left. | Can you see any better from where you re standing? | stand… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Stand-alone power system — A stand alone power system (SAPS or SPS), also known as remote area power supply (RAPS), is an off the grid electricity system for locations that are not fitted with an electricity distribution system. Typical SAPS include one or more methods of… … Wikipedia
Stand guidance systems — A stand guidance system is a system which gives information to a pilot attempting to park his aircraft at an airport stand, usually via visual methods, leading to the term Visual Docking Guidance System (VGDS) and also A VGDS (the A standing for… … Wikipedia
Bicycle stand — [ Toronto, Ontario] A bicycle stand, also commonly called a bike rackcite web url = http://www.bfw.org/btww/commuting/bikeRacks.php title = Bike Federation of Wisconsin, Bicycle Commuting Guide: Bike Racks accessdate = 2007 12 27] cite web url =… … Wikipedia
Bus stand — A bus stand is a designated parking location where a bus or coach waits out of service between scheduled public transport services. Bus stand is also often an alternative name for specific bus stops inside a bus station.A bus stand is usually… … Wikipedia
E-Parking — Handy Parken oder auch m parking (von engl. mobile Parking), bietet die Möglichkeit, per Mobiltelefon die Parkgebühr bargeldlos zu entrichten, ohne dass man einen Parkscheinautomaten verwenden muss. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Technische Umsetzung 2 Vor … Deutsch Wikipedia